Chris-Dizzy Spells

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Y/N sits in Chris' bed, her phone in her hand a hot water bottle over her middle. Chris sits beside her, also on his own phone.

Suddenly the girl puts her phone down and brings a soft hand to her forehead, letting out a soft curse. Chris givers her a questioning glance.

"Dizzy spells?" He questions, making her nod. "Stay laying down, I'll go get you a water. Shout if you feel like you're gonna faint." The girl throws up a quick thumbs up, as he runs out.

He rustles through the fridge and grabs out a water bottle, he then rustles through the cabinet for saltine crackers. He pauses at the sound of faint yelling.

"Chris! I'm gonna faint!" The girl softly yells, making him run back to his bedroom to see the girl sitting up straight.

"Baby I said lay back down, you're gonna feel worse." He slowly sits her down, as her eyes roll back into her skull. Her body becomes heavier and Chris softly lays her on the pillow. "Shit!" Chris stresses, grabbing the cold water bottle and placing it onto her forehead. She slowly opens her eyes and glances around the room. "You ok?" He questions quickly, making the girl groan and nod.

"Yah I'm alright."

"Here drink this, it will help." He says, she nods and grabs the water bottle, opening the cap and bringing to her chapped lips.

"Thank you." He nods quickly, and grabs the bag of crackers, handing a few to her to eat.

"We need to get your blood pressure back up." Chris furrows his eyebrows, "at least I think that's what it is, maybe blood sugar?" Y/N laughs at his pondering, but also doesn't know the answer to his questions.

"Can we watch Netflix?" Chris snaps out of his thoughts, and nods again.

"Yah of course baby."

AN: just a short little story for you today, I have pretty bad dizzy spells while on my period, and faint from them pretty often. Hope y'all enjoyed (there will be longer chapters in the near future)

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