Chris| High School Cheat-Hearts

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This is a request from MooshroomLuma thanks bestie!<3333


Christopher Sturniolo, a well-known heartbreaker; Y/n knew of this, but she decided she wouldn't judge him until he proved himself a cheater.

She didn't think after the 3 years of high school dating they'd been through, he would prove the rumors to be true.

Chris stands near Y/n's locker, yawning in boredom. He looks down at his girlfriend, he had realized he no longer feels what he felt before for her.

"Hey. I'm not going to be able to hang out today like we planned. I have to," Chris quickly thinks up an excuse, "Hang out with Matt today cause I promised I would." Y/n nods in understanding,

"Oh, yah, yah that's fine." She says, leaning up to give the boy a swift peck on the cheek. "I love you."

"Yah, yah, you too."


'Yah, yah, you too.'  Y/n furrows her eyebrows in thought 'What the hell does that mean?!' The girl walks into the large strip mall, the one she and Chris would hang out at every Friday during their freshman year. 

Why do things feel different? A question Y/n couldn't help but ask every day for the past month.

The girl passes an Orange Julius and picks one up on the way to her favorite stores. She passes a small corridor holding the bathrooms. She notices a couple standing there and making out with one another. 

She smiles at the sight of them before her smile drops. She recognizes her boyfriend's familiar t-shirt and hair. "Chris?!" Y/n says in shock, "What the fuck." The girl's skin turns blotchy red, as tears well up in her once-light eyes.

"Babe, what the fuck?! Are you following me?" Chris says angrily, clearly shocked by his girlfriend's presence. 

"I wasn't, I thought you were with Matt!" She yells, the girl Chris was once making out with looks incredibly confused with the situation at hand.

"Wait, you have a girlfriend?" The dark-skinned girl says, clearly uncomfortable with the thought of being a home wrecker.

"Not anymore, Chris...You're a fucking asshole." Y/n says, throwing her Orange Julius in his face. Chris flinches at the orange liquid that splashes in his direction.


Y/n pulls out her phone, clicking the contact of the person she needed comfort from the most.

"Hey Matt." The girl says, her voice sounding congested.

"Hey! What's up?"

"I just need a hug. Can you come over?" The other line goes silent before Matt inhales deeply.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few." The two hang up the phone, Y/n letting out a loud sob.


A loud knocking sounds from the front door, Y/n goes over to it and pulls it open. Matt stands on the other side of the now open door, he eyes her tear-stained cheeks and bright red eyes.

"Hey, Hey." Matt says softly, pulling her into a soft hug, "What's wrong?" 

"He cheated."

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