Matt-I've been going through something

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(This chapter gives me "hell is a teenage girl" vibes)
Big thanks to @ra1nysun for this request!

TW: mental health

Y/N lays in bed, her head empty and numb; she hadn't eaten, she hadn't slept, she'd been laying in bed for two days straight. Her phone rings from beside her, it had to have been the fiftieth time in the past two hours.

She glances down at the caller ID, she blinks at Matt's name on her phone and a picture of him.

She hits decline and pushes her phone away from her once more. Her phone buzzes three times in a row and she groans in annoyance, glancing back down at her phone. She reads the texts.

Y/N sighs in annoyance, turning her phone off again, though not even five minutes later her phone alerts her of another incoming call; this time it's Nick

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Y/N sighs in annoyance, turning her phone off again, though not even five minutes later her phone alerts her of another incoming call; this time it's Nick. She rolls her eyes again, and grabs her phone, completely silencing the device and throwing it across the room. It hits the wall with a thud, then falls to the carpet with another.


"I can't do this anymore, I'm going over there." Matt says, running an anxious hand through his hair. He grabs the keys to the van and heads for the door.

"Do you think we should give her some space?" Nick questions, making Matt turn around.

"It's been two days, nothing. Not even a text, or a phone call. That's not like her." Nick nods.

"Let us know how she's doing." Nick says, making Matt nod and leave the house.

He sticks the key into the ignition and backs out of the driveway, making his way down the road towards Y/N's house.


A knock sounds from the front door, but Y/N doesn't make a move to answer it.

Another knock sounds, this time much louder. The girl shoves a soft pillow over top of her head as she hears the door being opened with the spare key.

"I'm coming in!" Matt's voice sounds from the door, his footsteps make their way to the girls room. He slowly opens the door, making sure to keep quiet.

"Y/N?" he whispers, looking around the room for her. He notices the lump on the bed and his eyebrows furrow in concern. "Hey. Did you take your meds?" Matt softly questions, making the girl shake her head.

"Ran out." The girls voice croaks, making Matt's eyes soften.

"Well then we need to go get more." He states, walking closer to the girls bed.

"No." The girl says quickly, "they don't make me feel like me." She says.

"Well they make you feel better than this don't they?" Matt questions, sitting down on the edge of the girls bed. He places a soft hand on what he assumed were her legs; though he couldn't be sure because of the blanket covering them.

"...yes." The girl says slowly, a soft sniffle coming from her as she tries to hold back her tears.

"Then how about we go get your prescription, and then we can schedule an appointment to see if they can make any changes." Matt suggests, scrunching the blanket up by her feet and giving it a light shake.

The girl just groans in response.

"Y/N, we've been worried about you." Matt pulls the blanket away from her head and glances at her tear stained face. He gives her a sympathetic look before pushing a strand of her messy hair behind her ear and caressing her face. "By the looks of it, you haven't been taking care of yourself. When was the last time you ate?" Matt asks, attempting to grab her hand to pull her out of bed.

"I lost my appetite." The girl states, wiping her eyes.

"Ok then how about a shower, maybe that will make you feel better." Matt picks her up, making her groan in protest, "I'm making sure you take care of yourself, and you can't change my mind." Matt takes her to the bathroom and turns the shower on, "can I trust you?" He says, glancing around the room for any possible hazards.

"Yes, you can trust me." The girl says grumpily, making him nod.

"Good. Yell if you need anything."


Y/N slowly turns the faucet of the shower to a hotter setting before getting in. The steaming hot water flows down her back, and she sighs at the refreshing feeling. She washes herself then stands under the faucet for a few more minutes.

She then turns the faucet off and gets out of the shower, feeling slightly better. She grabs her towel and dries herself off before getting dressed into new clothes. She walks out of the bathroom slowly, hearing the sound of clanging.

She steps out further and sees Matt holding a smoothie up to her. "I made you a smoothie, it shouldn't be to much for your stomach." Y/N nods and grabs it out of his hand, taking a sip.

"Thank you." She mutters quietly, making him nod.

"If you ever feel this low again, you call me before it gets this bad. I'll take care of you." He pulls a small orange pill bottle out of his pocket, handing them to the girl. "I found these in the cabinet. Why'd you lie?" The girl looks at the ground, before shaking her head.

"They make me feel like I'm not actually me, like I'm not here." Y/N says with a sniffle, Matt nods. "They make me feel happy, and I don't deserve to feel like that." She states, before glancing up at Matt with teary eyes.

He glances back down at her with the same look, a tear trails down his soft cheek. "You deserve to be happy. Everyone deserves to be happy, but especially you." Matt says, pulling her into his arms softly. He pets the back of her hair as she sobs into his chest. "Please take this." He opens her bottle, and pulls out one of the pills. He quickly hands it to her and she nods before taking it.

"Thank you."

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