2: Campus - edited

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As I stepped onto the vast campus of Arcanum Manor, a profound sense of awe enveloped me. The campus appeared expansive, adorned with trees, lush English grass, and an array of grand and modern yet timeless buildings, each adorned with intricate details that spoke to the dedication put into their construction. Not a manor but manors. I grabbed my sunglasses from my grandmother's car and put them on to shield my eyes from the already bright September sun.

My attention was abruptly captured by a young albino woman who appeared right in front of me, leaving me in a state of shock. Did she materialized there out of thin air? While I had heard about witches, I nearly forgot about a magic being a thing.

She stood there, rigid, adorned in a flowing dress and a pointed hat that crowned her with a white afro hairstyle. I was rendered utterly speechless by her presence. The woman's soothing voice cut through my astonishment as she said, "Welcome, Elvira."

I struggled to regain my composure, my eyes wide with shock, my sunglasses nearly slipping off. The woman, who introduced herself as Nori Hawthorne, the principal of the academy, offered a comforting smile. Her gentle tone seemed to acknowledge my bewilderment.

"Oh, you haven't seen any magic before," Nori Hawthorne commented with understanding. "Sorry to scare you. I know this may be overwhelming for you, Elvira, but I promise you that you are in good hands. This is a place where you can learn and grow as a witch."

"Thank you," I blurted out quickly, a nervous smile on my lips. I extended my hand hesitantly to shake hers, all the while wondering if she could read the mess of thoughts running through my mind.

Nori gracefully moved around me, offering a handshake to my grandmother, who was equally taken aback. "Hello, Alvara, nice to see you again."

"Hello, Nori! I can't believe my granddaughter is finally here," my grandmother said, wiping away a tear and looking immensely proud. I couldn't help but sneak a glance at her.

"How time flies, doesn't it?" Nori added as they shared smiles. "I still remember the very last Easter festival that we attended together when Elvira was just a newborn."

"Me too. And here she is all grown up," my grandmother said, giving me a look that caused me to blush deeply.

So, I had been there as a baby. If I could have remembered that, it would have spared me years of not knowing about magic. My grandmother wouldn't have had to surprise me with the news of a new school. Everything would have been different.

Nori returned her attention to me, saying, "Elvira, please say goodbye to your grandma and then check in at the reception," her hand motioned to the building behind her. "Someone will surely tour you around the campus. You will love it here. Oh! And when you go to your new room, your bags will already be there, don't worry." She placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, gave me a meaningful look, and departed to welcome the other students who had just arrived after us.

I found myself alone with my grandmother, who came over and hugged me tightly. We had known there would be this moment to say goodbye, but it didn't mean it would be easy. I traced gentle circles on her back with my hand to soothe her tears. After a while, she slowly leaned away from me, her gaze fixed on my deep blue eyes – the very same color as hers –, her fingers tenderly gliding through my wavy hair. Her pride radiated from her every feature – she had fulfilled her promise, providing the best school. The best school for her again found granddaughter.

Her lips met my forehead and then she gazed at me with a mixture of pride and love. "I never stopped looking for you, dearest, and just when I found you, I was the happiest. Devil take the time I waited to got your full custody. We can finally be together..." She traced off for a second. "Seeing you attend Arcanum Manor... I am so proud of you, Elvira. I will miss you so much." Of course she was emotional. I couldn't imagine what she had been experiencing while losing her daughter, husband and hadn't been able to be with her only grandchild. Now her life was promising only sunshine, but there was a catch. I had to attend this school far away from her house.

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