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September 5th, 1997 2 A.M.

Juliet's hands trembled as she clutched the magical stone concealed in her pocket. Her toddler, Elvira, lay on a sterile hospital table in front of her, her small fragile body bearing the marks of a recent car accident. Around her, a team of medical professionals, including Juliet's friend, feverishly worked to save the child's life.


Juliet bit her nail and tugged her golden hair as she couldn't bear to see her daughter in such a state. She knew what she had to do. The thought was racing in her head for a very long seconds – time slowed down to bare minimum for the witch. She leaned in close to the doctor standing near the operation table, and whispered, "I need to give her my life, Franklin."

Franklin's dark eyes widened in astonishment, turning to her just to catch her wide blue eyes. "What do you mean, Juliet?"

Her voice was just a whisper, but it was clear enough for Franklin to hear. "I possess it, Franklin."

"Is it what I think it is?" he asked and watched her nodding.

"The magic stone with the power to transfer my life force to another. I must use it to save my daughter." Juliet revealed the small, egg-shaped shimmering stone, carefully ensuring no one else saw it.

Franklin hesitated and ran a hand through his dark hair – mainly he seemed struggling to believe Juliet had found the artifact she mentioned months ago, and considering the implications of such an action.

"When did you find it?" he hissed swiftly.

"It found my dad a few days ago," Juliet responded and shot her brows high as there was no more time to wonder.

His thoughts weighed heavily on his features as he locked his gaze on the shimmering stone.

"We can try more resuscitation," he offered with a heavy-lipped smile.

"Her magic is locked, Franklin. She's still mortal," she insisted.

He sighed, ready to say something, but then he saw her look.

The determination in Juliet's face left no room for arguing with her. It was her choice, a request from a very powerful witch as she was. And from her secret stone.

"Well," he conceded, nodding stiffly and swallowing tears. "But it will kill you, there's no other resolution of that. Even I can't help you overcome the cost. Magic nor medicine."

Juliet smiled sadly with watery eyes.

He didn't want her to do that, his features screamed with desperation and he was certain it did catch Juliet's attention.

Juliet's voice remained hushed but resolute. "There is no time for debate. My daughter has a purpose to fulfill. She must survive. If I do not guide her, someone else will. I am expendable," she was explaining and her last words were more strong on her tongue, "she is not."

Franklin shook his head. Nobody should be expendable and particularly not his great friend. He glanced on little Elvira as her state was really dire — no other magic stone in aid there.

"Which other stones do you have here?" he asked quickly.

His morals would be screwed in her eyes, but he wished to save Juliet instead.

She just shook her head with a tear going down her cheek and demanded her involvement in her daughter's saving, ready to step closer to her toddler.

"Me neither," Franklin whispered, but put a hand on her arm to stop her, as he gave her his last goodbye. Then with urgency, he discreetly sent the nurses to attend to other matters, creating a solitary space for Juliet and Elvira. He would definitely erase his staff's memories afterwards.

Juliet look at the surgery table and approached her daughter's side, taking her small hand into her own and closing her eyes shut. The stone laid between their touch, clenched in their grasp and begun to shimmer — already reacting.

With unwavering determination, she directed her focus to the magic within, willing it to transfer her life force to her precious child. She knew very well, that it would be once paid off.

A surge of energy coursed through Juliet; her strength rapidly waning already. After a tiny shockwave happening in the room, a radiant glow enveloped them and her knees started to shake.

Her eyes winded in shock how swift the magic was, leaving her breathless. But there was no turning back; the stone was almost done.

Meeting her gaze with Franklin quickly she could see the deep wound already in his soul. He was standing few feet aside and enjoying last second of his friend being in the living.

A photo of the two of them on their very last day of high school shaken on the wall.

Juliet felt her magic powers leaving her heart and veins and she crumpled to the ground slowly. Her vitality was slipping away same as the spark in her ocean eyes and the shine of her golden hair. But with last glances at her daughter, she knew that her sacrifice would be worth it.

As she lay on the floor, gasping for breath, Juliet witnessed Elvira's eyes slowly flutter open. The color returned to her cheeks, and she appeared stronger than ever before. It made Juliet twist her lips in a proud smile.

"Mom?" Elvira's voice was a whisper, her gaze wandering around the room in bewilderment. Franklin gently assisted her to sit beside her weakened mother.

Juliet managed to turn her head to face her daughter, trying to stroke her golden hair, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I am here, my dearest. I am here."

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