Chapter 03 Heartbreak

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"Just give me a damn reason to end our relationship

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"Just give me a damn reason to end our relationship. You can't ghost on me and one day suddenly pop with your ugly boyfriend"
"I told you it wasn't a serious thing for us! Why don't you get it?"
"Huh!? For 'us'?? Atleast for me it was"
"Stop being dramatic! When will you grow up!"
"pelo amor de Deus,why are you doing this?"
"Fine! You wanna know! Listen up then! You're becoming a faliure day by day Neymar, no one idolizes you, you're bringing shame to your family and your team! You're so immature! I can't be with someone who's just sinking down as hell!" And you know what,I think your own son doesn't want you in his life! You bring so much shame to him! Poor lil thing!"
I saw Davi standing in front of me,
"Pai I don't want to live with you, I'm going away from you!" he said and ran away to the door..
"NO!!!! Davi!!!! Please!! Davi,meu amor,...Davi wait...Davi... come back!! Daviiii...."

"Paiiii wake up! Wake up pai please!!!Pai!!"

I heard my son and fluttered my eyes. The first thing I did was embrace my little angel,my son,my Davi. He's my life.

I was having a nightmare,it was one hell of a nightmare. I was sweating and breathing heavily.

I looked at my son, he's such a lovely baby who was now worrying and a bit scared.

Finally I spoke up,"Eu te amo mais meu bebê" and kissed his cheek.
[I love you so much my baby]

He smiled and said back,"Eu também te amo pai", "pai, você teve um pesadelo?"he asked concerned.
[I love you too dad... Dad, did you have a nightmare?]

"Sim,Mas agora vendo seu sorriso, eu vou ficar bem meu bebê "
[yes,but seeing your smile, I'll be fine my baby"]

"Okay pai, tia Maria asked me to wake you up, breakfast is ready!"

"Really? Ohh I'm so hungry, I'm gonna eat your breakfast too" I said in a bit monster voice.
Davi jumped off my bed and ran off like a mini rocket to have his breakfast.
I placed my head in my hands and sighed. I was a hell of a mess right now.
Bruna took my peace of mind.I really need to forget her. I have to do everything to be a good father to my son.

Believe me, my son is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
With just thinking about his smile, I got up from my bed and went to get ready.
Maria hates when I get late to breakfast.

"Ay Neyy! You're late again"

"A very good morning to you too Maria"I chuckled

She rolled her eyes eventually laughing.

"By the way, you're out of cereals-"

"Again!?" I asked shocked because the cereals were refilled just last week

"Ayy Neymar! Davi is a growing kid and surely he has his father's genes"

"Okay okay I get it"I said before Davi starts giving his own silly reasons.

"So are you gonna go grocery shopping or is it upto me and Davi again?"

"I wanted to go-"
My phone beeped,I saw a text from Bruna saying she wanted to meet. This is it. I'm so fucking done with this shit. I quickly replied saying yes and other shit formalities of where and when to meet. This time I'm gonna make sure she's gone for good from my life.


"Oh yeah I wanted to take Davi for groceries but something just came up. I hope you understand Maria" I smiled

Maria understood what I said and she turned to Davi, "Ay Davi,why don't you go and make a list of things you want,we can get those all"

Listening this Davi grinned from ear to ear and went to his room.

"So?" she asked

"What?"I shrugged

"Ay meu deus! Neymar you're hurting yourself...Kid you have such a kind heart but por favor, look after yourself"

"1...I am not a 'kid' and 2, I'm gonna end this shit for once and all today itself."

"Really!?"she had that glittery thing in her eyes that they do in anime

"Calm down Maria, I know you want to propably throw a party but just wait till tomorrow"I laughed

"Graças a Deus por dar a ele essa sabedoria" she said closing her eyes
["Thank god for giving him this wisdom"]

"Tia I'm ready and my list too" davi said happily entering the kitchen

"Great job Davi! Oh looks like we need lot of money for this list"Maria wiggled her eyes

I guess Davi's gonna buy the whole supermarket

"Ouch!My pocket's gonna hurt today" I wiped imaginary tears making both of them laugh.

"Don't be a dramatic potato Neymar, a few thousands won't hurt much, right?"

"Right" I pursed my lips faking a wide smile while handing Maria my card.

"Come on Davi, let's go, say tchau to your Pai"

"Tchau pai, eu te amo"Davi hugged me
[Bye dad, I love you]

"Eu também te amo meu amor, Tchau"I kissed his cheeks and smiled.
"Be safe both of you"
[I love you too my love, bye]

"We will, just don't set this mansion on fire" Maria winked making me laugh"Tchau Neymar, we'll be back soon"

"Tchau Maria, bring my son and maid back in one piece" I shouted.

"Haha so funny Neymar!" Maria said in a sarcastic way sticking out her middle finger before closing the door.

I laughed at this. She's like my elder sister and I obviously would tease her without any damn reason.

And they both left for the supermarket.
Now I'm gonna get ready and get my shit done.


A note :

Olá pessoas!!!🇧🇷
Finally a Neymar's Chapter!!!🥳🥳🥳
Do vote and comment what you think of it!!🥹😉
I really appreciate your words🥹
From now onwards, chapters will be released every Saturday or Sunday!!❤️

Stay healthy,stay safe!!!

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