Chapter 07 Scammer

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April's P.O.V

Finally my flight landed.
I was told I'll be received by someone from the company but I saw no one so I decided to wait a few minutes. I had no option other than waiting because honestly I don't know shit about this place.
I already have a booking at the hotel but I would rather wait for the person than getting scammed by some uber driver at my first day.
I heard a lot about people getting scammed over here, so no risks bitch.

I took my phone from my pocket, I had to admit this mini hand bag like thing was damn useful. I texted Seb and Jamey about my arrival in Paris. They may be sleeping soundly.

I waited for an solid one hour and even tried calling the person who was supposed to pick me up but my call went straight to the voice mail. Woww just a great start.

Finally I decided to go and ask if there's any taxi available that can take me to the hotel.

"Bonjour monsieur, pouvez-vous m'amener à cette adresse s'il vous plaît?"I asked to a taxi driver.
[Hello sir, can you drive me to this address please?]

He was studying me and I guess he figured out that I was an outsider.

"Je suis désolé madame mais je ne pense pas pouvoir vous aider," he said with a little reluctance.
[ I'm sorry ma'am but I do not think I can help you]

My mouth formed an 'o' shape understanding why he said that.

"C'est bon, je peux comprendre, merci. "I said with a smile on my face
[It's alright,I understand, Thank you]

"Désolé, bonne journée" he said raising his cap a little and drove off.
[Sorry, have a good day]

After few minutes which felt like ages because I've been arguing with atleast 3 taxi drivers now because the first two clearly didn't understand my French and the third one just said 'oui'. Wow. Just wow

"Merda!!! Is someone gonna help me?!" Oops I guess I said it loud.
And why the fuck did I change my language. Oh god!! I'm going loco! Shit!! I placed my head in my hands and crouched to the ground.

"Olá, posso te ajudar?". A tall man wearing a black coloured nike sweatshirt with a hoodie asked me.
[Hello, can I help you?]

 [Hello, can I help you?]

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He had nike beanie cap under his hoodie and his face was covered with a black nike mask to avoid cold

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He had nike beanie cap under his hoodie and his face was covered with a black nike mask to avoid cold. He was wearing nike gloves.
What a brand show-off I thought to myself.

By the accent I'm guessing he spoke to me in Portuguese. I stood up so I can look better at him because sun was blocking my eyes.
Can this man be... No I don't think so he could be him...
I was taken out of my thoughts by him waving his hand in front of my eyes and finally tried to reply him.

"Olá, Eu quero chegar ao meu hotel. Eles não conseguem entender meu francês " I chuckled.
[Hello, I want to go to my hotel. They can't my understand my French]

He too looked amused. I know where this is going.

"Você também não é brasileira, não é?" He asked a bit amused.
[You're not Brazilian either, no?]

"Não, não sou brasileira, eu sou um americano" I replied.
[No, I'm not Brazilian, I'm an American]

He let out a little laugh.
God that was the best sound I've ever heard from a laugh, especially from a man. My heart started beating faster that I could hear my own heartbeats.
Aghhh what am I doing!!

"Eu também sou americano" he laughed.
[I'm American too]

"O que?... Ohh.. I get it! You're from South America right?...I mean América do Sul...Você?" I half asked and half stated and pointed my index finger towards him after saying 'você'.
[What?... South America...You?]

"Sim, eu sou do Brasil"he smiled
[Yes, I'm from Brazil]

As soon as he said that,I could only think of one person...But can he be...

"Você fala ingles?" I asked out of the blue.
[Do you speak English?]

"Sim, mas não sou bom nisso"he said scratching his back of neck.
[Yes, but not that good]


"Are you by any chance—"I tried asking him but stopped myself...
" can it be...I'm not that lucky..." I muttered to myself.

He had a confused look on his face, he might be thinking I'm trying to talk in Portuguese.

"O que?" He asked confused.

"Oh it's nothing, Eu pensei que você fosse alguém que eu conhecia" I shrugged.
[I thought you were someone I knew]

"Ohh..that's fine...People say it all time" he smiled.
"You looked sad? Problem with a taxi?" He asked in his brazilian accent.

I must admit Brazilians are damn sexy at pretty much everything!! I should stop drooling before he notices.

"Sim, no one wants to give me a lift even if I payed them double their fare"I admitted the sucked reality.

"Posso te deixar no seu hotel, se está tudo bem com você" he asked sincerely.
[I can drop you to your hotel, if it's okay with you]

God!!! This man is going to be my death. He's so fucking sexy but control April you have your man!! You can't cheat him.

"Obrigado,mas não quero te causar problemas"
[Thanks, but I don't want to cause you problems]

"Não, não é nenhum problema, e você parece novo aqui, deixe-me ajudá-lo"
[No, it's not a problem, and you look new here, let me help you]

"Você não vai me enganar, não?"
[You are not a scammer,no?]

"O que?!"he bursted laughing.

Why does everything about him has to be so adorable?!

"Eu pareço um golpista? If I was one, you would be crying for your lost things by now" he nodded his head
[Do I look like a scammer?]

"Yeah right"I giggled

"Vamos, eu vou te deixar. Ele vai pegar suas malas" he said pointing to a man behind him. He looked like his body guard. Woww
[Come on, I'll drop you. He will carry your bags]

"Muito obrigado"I smiled
[Thanks a lot]

"De nada" he chimmed
[You're welcome!]

Why do I keep thinking that this person is him? Am I that lucky?
I should check if this person has a tattoo on his hand.
Woww great! He has his freaking gloves on.

I'm surprised he didn't wear black sunglasses. He would have looked like a human version of vanilla pod! LoL

This person's voice feels strangely similar. Maybe it's just jetlag that I'm overthinking. Probably it's sleep taking over.
I shrugged and we were off to my hotel as I gave the damn address to the driver.


Olá pessoas bonitas!!! Tudo bem?😏

Share your word about what you think of them finally meeting!!
Forgive the editing😂

Spoiler:- They don't meet afterwards from here 🙄😜

Stay safe, stay healthy🫶


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