Chapter Two

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When Becca first started dating Peter a few months back, I did what any good best friend would do- I facebook stalked him. And Instagram. And Twitter. And did a general google search to see what came up. What can I say, I'm protective and I don't want my girl with just any old creep. Luckily, everything checked out so I didn't have to murder him. Peter Stoll and I run in the same circles so I had heard of him, but we had never met before Becca introduced us.

He's a Civil Litigation Attorney, and a damn good one at that. His firm and mine tend to attract different types of clients so we aren't exactly competitors, but I'm still wary of most men I meet that work in law. To put it plainly, most of them are straight up douches. But when I met Becca and Peter out for dinner the first time, not a single red flag was to be found. He was charming, respectful, and polite. He seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say about my work, and hung on every single word that came out of Becca's mouth. I could tell by the way he looked at her that he was wrapped around her manicured little finger, just like everyone Becca meets. But what stood out most to me was how Becca looked at him. We've been best friends since childhood, and I've never seen her this into a guy. She's always been the type to have her fun and move on to the next quickly, which she can easily do because she's drop dead gorgeous. But with Peter, she seems genuinely happy, and I can't find anything wrong with him.

I can't help but be protective though, my best friend is the sweetest girl I've ever met, and I would kill anyone who hurt her. Though it seems like she has the perfect life, it hasn't always been that way, and I still worry about her sometimes...

We step out of the elevator, and I can see Peter's car idling in front of Becca's building, in all of its sleek and silver glory. Becca's pace quickens and Peter steps out of the car, arms wide and smile even wider as he drinks her in.

"Oh darling, you're a vision in that dress," he says through his smile, pulling back to plant a kiss on her cheek.

"Careful, this makeup took me two hours!" she squeals, giggling. I can't help the stupid smile that spreads onto my face watching the two, so thrilled to see one another.

They pull apart and he opens the passenger door, helping her inside, then turning to me, he says "Heather, I can't tell you how pleased I am that you are joining us tonight. I hope you'll enjoy the club, it's really something else."

I smile. "Of course! Thank you so much for inviting me along." He opens the backseat door and ushers me inside. Once he climbs back into the front seat, we're off. The first time he picked Becca and I up to go to a gallery opening a few months ago, I was briefly shocked that he was driving his own car. Most men of his status use a car service, but I assumed he just liked driving. I wonder now if he's just simply secretive about his lifestyle and doesn't want a driver knowing his whereabouts.

"So Heather, I have to ask, you filled out all the paperwork my associates sent over to you last week, correct?" Suddenly Peter is all business, his piercing blue eyes locking onto mine in the rear view mirror. I feel a slight blush rise in my cheeks at his commanding tone and think to myself "okay, now I get the whole dominant thing.." I realize he's waiting for an answer and blink myself out of my thoughts, pulling my lips up into a nervous smile. "Yes, I looked over everything and faxed it to the location I was instructed to a few days ago."

He nods, and his attention shifts over to Becca, his hand brushing over her thigh. I avert my eyes and look out the window watching the skyscrapers of the city flash by. I mentally prepare myself for seeing my best friend in a... not so PG light this evening. I let my thoughts wander to Matteo, the mystery man I'm still not 100% sure will be gracing us with his attendance tonight. It seems too good to be true. When I found out who the dominant Becca was setting me up with was, it took all my self control not to search the internet for information about him, but I trusted that Peter wouldn't set me up with a bad guy and didn't want to learn anything personal on accident, since any relationship we had would be restricted to the club.

I had heard of him of course, and though I'm no business guru, I knew he was said to be incredibly intelligent and ruled his company with an iron fist. He was a force to be reckoned with in the business world, he owned countless luxury hotels, restaurants, and even an airline. I just hoped he was attractive honestly. I knew he was around Peter's age since they went to school together, so early thirties or so.

My gaze shifts back to the front of the car, where Becca is giggling at something Peter said. She catches me looking and reaches over to clutch Peters arm. "Tell us more about Matteo, Peter!"She squeals excitedly.

Peter chuckles and finds my eyes once again in the rear view. "Not sure what there is to tell that I haven't said already. Matteo and I go way back, we went to school together, and became fast friends. We ended up discovering Allure through a colleague, and as soon as our memberships got approved we spent pretty much all our free time there. He moved abroad after graduation for an internship and started his company, which I'm sure you know already, is a booming success. As far as personality goes, he can be a bit uptight at first, but he's really a great guy once you get to know him." He looks away, looking almost uncomfortable as he continues, "as far as dominants go, he really is one of the best in our circle. He tends to go for long term contracts lasting anywhere from 6 months to a year or so, and he's even trained new submissives for other dominants in our club in the past, because he's so good at what he does. The main difference between us in that respect is that I like to mix my romantic relationships with my BDSM lifestyle, and he doesn't." He bites his lip, looking worried.

I open my mouth to assure him that I understand what his friend is looking for but I am cut off before I can speak.

"Well, he hasn't met Heather!" Becca chirps, and I shoot her a dirty look. Peter clears his throat, and asks me about a case I've been working on that I brought up last time I saw him. We start talking about work and I can feel the tension leaving my shoulders. Most people find stress in their work, but it is the total opposite for me. I lose myself in my job, I dedicate long hours to researching and strategizing to ensure I win my client's cases every time, and I love it. Before I know it, we're pulling up to an ornate historical building, and Peter drives down into an underground parking deck, stopping to scan a small plastic card he pulled from his wallet to open the gates. "Ladies, we've arrived," Peter says, his eyes lighting up and a small smirk creeping onto his face.

He helps us both out of the car, and hands the keys to the vallet attendant that was waiting just inside the garage. Becca and Peter both look excited as we approach the elevator, and I notice a slight shift in her demeanor the closer we get, like her submissive persona was beginning to shine. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't shaking a bit, and the trench-coat I borrowed from Becca was keeping me plenty warm, so I couldn't blame it on a chill. The quiet elevator ride is over in just a few seconds and we are finally at our destination.

It takes every ounce of self control to not let my mouth fall open when the doors open. On first glance, the club looks to be a sophisticated cigar lounge, with ornate carved wood panel walls, red velvet booths, floor to ceiling bookshelves, and black and red velvet drapings scattered around the ceiling and walls. It's breathtaking. But as my eyes adjust to the dim lighting, they widen in surprise. The patrons are a mix of wealthy looking men and women dressed in formal attire and people dressed in more scandalous clothing. I see a table of several men in suits who have women in collars and leashes sitting between them in their booth. By the bar, a female dominant has a man kneeling at her feet as she speaks with the bartender.

"Welcome to Club Allure, Heather," says Peter, a small smile on his face as he watches me take it all in.

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