Chapter Twelve

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Hey girlies- this is just a PSA that I am an absolute freak and this story will most definitely have some wild stuff in it as we get more and more spicy- so just be prepared for the most lol. Smile and scroll ladies smile and scroll. My updates will probably slow down for a bit during finals but once summer hits in a few weeks I will be updating like crazy. I'd love to finish it in a few weeks and start another :)

Also IDK why but this chapter was so hard to write. I guess all writers feel like this sometimes tho lol. That's why it's short. I was planning to keep their first time together in the club to one chapter, but I don't feel like waiting to post this, and this is all I got right now.



It takes every ounce of self control to not fuck her in the playroom. I know I am coming off as cool and collected from her perspective, but truthfully I'm fighting off the animalistic urge to throw her on the bed and forcefully take her from behind. I knew she had a natural knack for submission, but I had no idea how quickly she would learn. I'm an extremely strict dominant and expect pure perfection from my submissives. Just learning the postures usually takes several sessions, and it took her less than an hour.

I figured out quickly that Heather was not a brat, but I wasn't expecting her to be so obedient, and it's been such a pleasant surprise. Her blue eyes shine with submission and arousal, and seeing her standing there all flushed wearing my collar, it's enough to make the strongest willed man cave. But it's important that I don't give in, I have to set the tone for our dynamic, I remind myself mentally.

She looks panicked as I lead her out of the room, her hand lightly touching her collar, and I realize she's scared that I'm going to make her walk through the apartment lobby like this. "I'm not a fan of forcing my kinks onto non consenting people," I say smoothly, pausing to remove her collar and leash, slipping them into my suit pocket. I'm somewhat of an exhibitionist, but only within the walls of Allure. I take her hand and lead her into the elevator, chuckling softly at the way she is gazing up into my eyes. There is truly not a single thought in that pretty little head of hers. Ah, subspace. Such a marvelous place, or so I've heard. There's something almost beautiful about seeing your sub so relaxed and at peace, and knowing that you got her there.

I usher her through the lobby and the valet pulls my car around front. The drive goes by quickly, and she doesn't say a word, but I can feel her gaze on me the whole way there. She's nervous, as she should be this early on honestly, but I still have to check in. "Are you alright? Nervous?" I ask her, as we pull up to the club, hoping she doesn't express any sudden doubts. "A little bit," she admits softly, "but I'm mostly excited, sir." I smirk at her, holding the gaze of her beautiful big baby blues. "I'm looking forward to showing you off, pet." I say, reaching in my pocket to pull out her collar and leash, and her face flushes slightly at the sight. "Just remember to tell me if anything is too much for you, and we can go home. I just want to help you get more acclimated to the club, before we start playing here. Now, lift up your hair, darling." I'm sure to be gentle, but stern. The first few days of a new dynamic are full of heightened emotions and elevated nerves, so I'm trying my best to keep her calm.

I fasten her collar around her neck, and she swallows thickly. I notice that she's trembling slightly and mentally curse myself. "Pet." I say gently, leaning in to stroke her cheek. "We're going to have fun, I promise. You'll be perfect, you have nothing to be worried about." She nods but doesn't seem fully convinced, she's still holding on to her reservations. "Let Go." I urge. "Let me take control, give me all your anxiety and worries. Just feel." I watch her intently as she draws in a deep breath, closing her eyes. She leans into my touch, and place a gentle kiss on her forehead, pulling back to take in her expression.

When she opens them again, all the fear is gone, replaced by that curious glint I'm starting to adore. "Okay." She says quietly. "I'm ready."

I walk around to let her out of the car, and as soon as we step into the elevator, I see her slip into her submissive role. Her posture straightens, her gaze drifts down, and her nervous fidgeting stops. "Good girl." I murmur. She's fucking perfect.



Somehow, I'm more nervous than I was last time I came to the club, even though I now know what to expect. I wasn't hooked to a leash being held by a sexy ass man last time though. Matteo tugs gently on the leash, leading me out of the elevator, and I slightly raise my head. It feels like everyone's eyes are on us, so I'm careful to keep my gaze averted as we walk. I expect us to go straight to the playrooms, but Matteo makes a bee-line for the bar, where a crowd of men in suits are laughing raucously. He walks up to the bar, leaning across the counter to speak to the bartender. "Scotch on the rocks, and a glass of the Merlot." He says. He tugs once more on my leash, and my tag jingles slightly as I walk. I come up next to him and look down at my shoes, clasping my hands in front of my body. "Gentlemen, how are you?" Matteo says charmingly, greeting the men standing next to us. They engage in pleasantries, and I stand there silently, when suddenly Matteo glances over at me. "Kneel." He says offhandedly, and jumps right back into his conversation.

My heart jumps into my throat, but I don't hesitate, sinking gracefully to the floor, pulse pounding. "Thank god they keep the floors clean," I think to myself, nearly shuddering at the thought of kneeling on the floor of an average bar or club. The men continue talking, paying me no mind. My face heats at the realization, and embarrassment dances in my abdomen with arousal, mingling with the residual effects of my spanking. My skin prickles with excitement, and my breathing becomes labored as I work myself up with my own thoughts. There is something so euphoric about surrendering my control to Matteo, I realize. He's not touching me, not even looking at me, yet he's all I can think about.

"Up." I'm jolted out of my thoughts by the sound of his voice. "Fuck, his voice is sexy." I think to myself as I stand. "Here," Matteo says, handing me the glass of red wine he ordered for me. "A toast." He purrs with a lopsided smile. "To my new submissive, exceeding all of my expectations." He proclaims, turning towards his friends. The men chuckle and grin as they raise their hands and we all clink our glasses together. I blush at all the attention, and Matteo lets the end of my leash fall around his wrist, freeing his hand so he can wrap an arm around me, pulling me close. I once more can feel at least a dozen pairs of eyes boring into us, so I shyly tilt my head towards Matteo's chest, letting my hair provide a curtain to hide my flaming red cheeks. Matteo looks down at me, smirking, and shocks me by grabbing my chin and pulling me up into a kiss, his tongue pushing between my lips. I moan into his mouth, tilting my head back to give him more access. The hand on my waist drifts down to grab my ass, and his other hand grips the back of my neck, holding me in place while he kisses me. Passion and lust consume me, and all of my thoughts are pushed out of my mind. The only thing I can think of in this moment is Him.

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