Chapter Nineteen

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I'm starting to develop an actual plot for the story lol but I kinda want to write some more smut first lol. Assuming I will get no complaints from the audience on that choice ;)


The next morning I wake up early, after getting maybe 4 hours of sleep, and slip quietly out of bed, pausing for a moment to look over the sleeping woman in my bed. I've never allowed a submissive to sleep with me, yet now I can't imagine ordering her to go back to her own room. Her warm little body stayed snuggled up against my chest all night, which was comforting after the sheer terror I felt a few hours before. I slip out of the room, my eyes momentarily lingering on the form of her body wrapped up in my comforter for a moment before I gently close the door behind me.


I wake up the next morning to an empty bed. I yawn, stretching for a bit before finally getting out of the warm bed to conduct my morning routine. I make my way out the kitchen, where Matteo is plating breakfast for the two of us. He smiles sleepily at me, and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me to his chest and pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I make us both coffee, and join him at the counter to eat.

About halfway through my giant stack of pancakes, I finally muster up the courage to ask him the question that has been nagging me since the moment I woke up. "So what is it that you need to tell me?" I look over at him and see that he's clenched his jaw and is looking down at his plate, not meeting my gaze. He pauses for a moment. I start to get impatient. I can't stand not knowing what's hurting him. I was terrified when I couldn't wake him up, it took 5 minutes of shaking him and listening to him call out my name. "Well?" I prompt, setting down my fork to turn fully towards him, raising my eyebrows expectantly. He sighs, finally looking up to meet my eyes. I feel a pang in my chest as I take in the sadness his dark brown eyes hold as he gazes at me.

"We will talk about it," he says slowly. "Just not right now." I huff, unable to hide my frustration. "No." I snap. "You scared the hell out of me last night. I can't possibly be expected to just let that go. Whatever it is just tell me so we can work through it." I stare daggers at him, daring him to resist.

"Heather," his voice has an edge to it, my name coming off his lips as a warning. "Not now." He says firmly. I instinctively roll my eyes, turning back to my food. "Pushing me away is pointless and insulting." I grumble. He forcefully puts down his coffee cup, and a little sloshes over the edge onto the table. "You don't understand. I will tell you in due time. Just be patient."

I shove my stool out from the counter, stepping away to look at him, my hands on my hips. "No, you don't understand. You can't just... kiss me and make love to me, sleep with me in your arms, and then not tell me what's bothering you. I don't care what it is! You keep trying to push me away, to distance yourself from me, and I'm sick of it. You can't just tell me what to do all the time and expect me to mindlessly obey when you make dumb choices. If you don't give a flying fuck about me, stop stringing me along and let me go!" I'm breathless by the end of my outburst, staring at him with a fiery glare, blinking away tears. I stand there staring at him, waiting for his response. His eyes narrow, and he slowly stands up and walks over to me. I resist the urge to step back, holding my ground and glaring up into his face.

"I won't even deign to go over the countless rules you broke in one breath," he starts, his voice low and rumbling in his chest. "You seem to have forgotten that our arrangement is quite literally based off of me telling you what to do. You may not always understand why at first, but every choice I make is in your best interest." I gulp, shuffling backwards in attempt to put a slight distance in between myself and his fiery gaze, but he follows, closing the distance between us easily and cornering me up against the kitchen wall.

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