Chapter Twenty

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Half an hour later, I'm sitting in a private jet on the way to freaking Italy. I've always wanted to travel, but after I finally started making enough money to afford it I got so busy with work that it just never really happened. I look out the window, gazing into the endless expanse of sky and clouds. I startle when a thick leather folder is suddenly slammed into my lap. My eyes snap up to Matteo's steely gaze. He slides into the soft leather seat next to me, the ice in his low ball glass clinking softly from the movement. He wordlessly sips on his drink, watching me, and my eyebrows shoot up as I hold his gaze.

"Um... what's this?" I finally ask, a little pissed off that he didn't care to explain before shoving a random folder at me. "Our contract." He says simply, swallowing his bourbon, not a trace of humor present on his perfectly chiseled face. "Did you change something?" I ask, flipping through the pages. "No," he says in a low voice. "But I wanted to give you another chance to read through it again, and strike anything off before we start our... vacation." I look back up at him, my confusion evident. "We've been doing this for almost two months." I say slowly. "And I signed the contract already."

He leans in, gripping my chin with his rough hand and I gulp at the chills that run down my spine from his touch. He leans in, his teeth grazing my earlobe, and my eyes lock onto something behind his ear that I've never noticed before. Some kind of a crest with a symbol I don't recognize. I start to ask him about it but I'm cut off as he starts speaking again, his breath hot against my ear. "I've given you some leeway the past few months, little one, but I'm tightening up your leash now." I gaze up at him with wide eyes.

"There are no outside distractions where we're going. No work, no one we know, no responsibilities. Nothing standing in the way of me having my way with you, whenever and however I see fit. You will follow every single rule on these pages, or you will be punished harshly for each offense." My breath becomes ragged and I close my eyes, willing myself to stay composed, but my efforts are of no use. "Once we land, you are mine for the next two weeks, principessa. I will be pushing every single limit you have, exploring every last kink in that folder. I am going to break you, darling. And I won't stop, unless you use your safe word. So I'm giving you one last chance to re-read and revise, and I suggest you don't waste it."

He pulls away and I stare at him with wide eyes, my gaze snapping down as soon as his smoldering brown eyes lock onto my own. He chuckles softly, and his hand gently grazes my knee, which is exposed to him from the slit in the white linen sundress he laid out earlier for me to wear. "I'll leave you to it." He purrs, smirking as he runs a hand through his hair, gracefully standing up and walking away. My eyes cling to his perfect body as he departs, his dark linen dress pants hugging his toned thighs and calves perfectly. I flush as my gaze lingers on his ass, and I force myself to focus on the folder still resting in my lap. I know the contents pretty well, but I'd be stupid to not take this chance. He was trying to scare me, and he succeeded. I bite my lip, vivid scenarios of what he might have in store for me dancing through my mind as I open the leather folder.


The flight goes smoothly, and 7 hours later, we land in Venice. I wake Heather up, and she stretches out and yawns like a little kitten, looking around confusedly as she rubs the sleep from her eyes. "Are we here?" She asks groggily, and I can't help but smile at her rumpled hair and puffy eyes. "Welcome to Italy, darling." I reply.

I help her make her way from the jet to the waiting black SUV on the runway a few feet away. The driver loads our luggage into the back of the vehicle and opens the door, but Heather pauses before climbing in, tilting her head back to gaze at the brilliant stars dotting the pitch black sky. Her blonde hair cascades down her back in loose waves and her silhouette is illuminated by the headlights of the car, casting a halo around her head. She looks purely angelic. Time stands still for a moment as I admire her, my eyes locked onto the woman standing in front of me. I clear my throat, breaking myself out of my haze, and she startles out of her thoughts, hastily sliding into the backseat.

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