Chapter Fifteen

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Shameless plug- please don't forget to vote for my chapters, it only takes a few seconds and helps a ton!! (Hit the lil star in the bottom left!!)

Also- who do you picture as Matteo? The more I write him the more I think he's Damon Salvatore reincarnated lol. I love when I write sassy Matteo moments, I think I'm going to try to incorporate more of that.

Enjoy the chapter :)



I stand a few feet away from Heather, sipping my bourbon and watching her chest heave up and down. She put up a good fight, but it took me less than 3 minutes to get her secured to the St. Andrew's Cross in the corner of the playroom. I shake my head slowly, a mischievous grin creeping onto my face. What am I going to do with her?

It's clear what she's expecting, what she wants. She thrashes around, trying to nudge the blindfold off of her face, sticking her ass out like she's picturing me behind her with a flogger ready to go. I can't deny the thrill that runs through me as I mull over the possibilities. But it's clear that my little slut wants pain, and I have to show her that she can't manipulate me, teach her that she can't force my hand. I rummage around a moment before I find the two items I'm looking for. I come up behind her and yank harshly on her blonde hair. "Be still." I command, and shockingly, she actually obeys. She gasps when she feels my finger probing her ass, slick with lube, but she doesn't resist. I hold her firmly by the back of her neck, waiting for her to start thrashing around again, but she stays still. She whimpers as I slide the plug in, and cries out at the loss of contact when I remove my hands from her body.

"I'll allow you to think over your actions for a few moments," I say darkly. "When I return, we will see if you are ready to obey and get on with your punishment. I can do this all night." As I turn to exit the room, I push the button on the small black remote in my hand, smiling to myself as she yelps in reaction to the vibrations.

I go downstairs, and place a delivery order for sushi from my favorite local restaurant. It should get here in about an hour, which should be plenty of time to get my little mess upstairs sorted out. I was planning on eating at the club, but that's all gone out the window at this point. I linger for a moment in the kitchen, allowing myself to gaze out at the twinkling skyline to pass some time. I glance down at my watch, satisfied with the 10 minutes that have passed by, and make my way upstairs.

She's trembling, tears running down her cheeks. I know she's alright though, because I have an audio monitor in the room, so she could safe-word at any time and I would hear it from my phone. She's aware of it, yet she's remained silent. "Ready to be a good girl?" I ask, and she startles, beginning to wiggle around at the sound of my voice. I chuckle, making my way to her slowly. "Ohh," I coo, "is someone all worked up?" She whimpers in reply, desperately trying to rub her thighs together. I kneel down in front of her, allowing my breath to hit her soaking wet pussy. She moans, straining against her bonds to get closer, but it doesn't work. She's stuck exactly where I placed her. I blow harshly on her clit, earning a yelp.

I laugh again, watching as she squirms around in response to my voice. I stand up, removing the plug from her ass and turning it off. Placing it to the side, I remove the blindfold, staring into her big blue eyes. "Are you ready to behave?" I growl. My eyes roam over her face, searching for that glint of rebellion that was present 10 minutes ago, but my cock twitches as all I see is submission. Her breathing is coming out in harsh pants and her body language is screaming, take me.

I raise my eyebrows, waiting for a reply. "Yes, Master." She breathes, and my eyes widen, my cock screaming at me to take her right there. "Oh, good girl." I purr, stalking closer. I undo her binds, and she falls to her knees at my feet, in perfect posture. "There she is, my perfect submissive." I praise, reaching into my pocket for my wallet. I pull out a single coin and slip the leather back into my suit jacket.

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