Rait Zara Si (Episode 161)

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In honor of the 1-year anniversary of episode 161, I'm posting the first OS I wrote on Ram and Priya. Have left it untouched with no editing whatsoever since I first wrote it because I want to preserve it the way it was. I know it's not great and is essentially just their thoughts added into the scene, but it was the first time I had the passion to write something since 2019 and I want to publish it so I can look back and feel proud of whatever growth I've had since first writing it. Nevertheless, hope you all enjoy ❤️


"Mr. Kapoor, you're so cute!" Priya exclaimed as she leaned it to hug Ram.

Ram was stunned. Priya, calling him cute? Initiating a hug? This was something he never expected her to do drunk, let alone sober.

He felt Priya tugging at his hair tie, releasing his luscious hair. He felt a blush adorning his cheeks as she fixed his hair and beamed, "Whenever your hair falls onto your face, you look really nice."

Daringly, Priya brought her hand up and cupped Ram's cheek. She felt jittery as Ram reciprocated her action before leaning up and kissing her forehead. Bringing their hands together, he placed a chaste kiss on her hand, trying to savor the moment as much as he could.

Priya smiled shyly as Ram stared into her eyes. His green irises shone bright, as if he was proud to have her as his wife. She had had a sneaking suspicion that he had feelings for her; ever since the accident, he was often flustered when they would talk to each other, and he had started to defend her more often in front of their family members. His support towards her after it was revealed to their families that her father was the one who tried killing Ram had cemented the fact that he would always be by her side and would never let anyone hurt her, not Mamiji, not her father, not even Nandini Maa.

In that moment, Priya felt that she needed to show Ram that she was developing feelings for him too. She had always thought he had been a caring individual, but the last few days made her look at him in a new light. He was so different from Neeraj, she wondered how she could have even dated and cried over a man like him. Before she married Ram, the spectrum of men in her life ranged from her father at one end of the spectrum, Neeraj and her half-brother trailing behind him ever-so-slightly, and Akki falling on the opposite end. But even Akki, her sweet cousin brother, paled in comparison to Ram. There was something about Ram that made her feel so protected and loved, even when she didn't want to rely on him. And now, now was the time to let her insecurities and fears go. Even for a few minutes, she needed to let him know that she thought of him as her husband, not just a protector.

She brought up their clasped hands and placed a kiss on his before tip-toeing up to kiss his forehead. Gazing into his eyes, she saw only two emotions: serenity and love. It was obvious to her at this point that what Ram felt for her wasn't lust, but pure, unadulterated love.

Ram, overwhelmed from Priya's sudden actions, engulfed her in a hug. He dug his face into her nape, his stubble tickling Priya as he peppered kisses along the crook of her neck. For the first time in his life, he felt an unsatiable hunger, something that couldn't be solved by a burger and fries. Something he had never experienced when he had dated Vedika. No, he wanted Priya. But he had to make sure she was ready to go further too.

He broke the hug and looked into her eyes. Feeling shy, Priya quickly turned around. She felt an arm around her waist pull her back, and she landed on Ram's clothed chest. She suddenly began to feel self-conscious; she had never felt this way before, and she wasn't sure if she was good enough for Ram.

As if Ram had read her mind, he pushed her hair to the side and placed a kiss on her shoulder. She turned around to face him again, trying to convey her insecurities to Ram.

Gazing into her eyes, Ram gripped Priya's wrist and brought it up. He took his mom's kangan out of his pocket, sliding it down Priya's bare wrist and kissing it, as if to tell her that she will forever be his.

Sitting on the bed with his ladylove in hand, Ram tenderly grasped Priya's neck, allowing her to lay down next to him. She clutched his forearm as he leaned down, his warm breath hitting her face. Ram placed a kiss in the nape of her neck and then her cheek, then looking into Priya's eyes before sealing his lips with hers.

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