Priya's 5 Years

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A/N: If you're anti-Priya and/or anti-Disha, you simply don't belong here. This is me trying to hold Ram accountable for what he and his family put Priya through. Did she make mistakes? Yes. I will always think that her decision to take the blame for Shivi's death was stupid, especially because she was not coerced or blackmailed to do so (which is what Nandini did with the orphanage threat). But while Priya in the show genuinely felt remorseful and guilty for her actions, Ram barely did. We were robbed of Ram's guilt track where he actually showed continual growth. What did we get instead? A little bit of growth that vanished as soon as Swati entered. I feel bad even criticizing him here because S2 Ram is dead, but it's needed. I shouldn't even need to put this note (mostly because everyone who reads my stuff has a working brain and some sense of rationality and humanity), but someone had made an account to leave comments on my suhaag raat OS because they thought I was making Ram look bad to defend Priya. Ram made himself look plenty bad through his own actions, but I guess holding him accountable is wrong.

I don't hate Ram. I never will, because he's one of my comfort characters. His loneliness even while being surrounded by dozens of people is something I've struggled with for as long as I can remember, and even him going back to toxic people is something I've personally done (and heavily regret doing). But loving him means holding him accountable for his mistakes, and I will always do so.

I know writing this OS with English dialogues takes away from the realism, but it was either this or writing everything in basic Hindi, and I didn't want to downplay the dialogues and feelings because things don't translate easily from language to language. It also takes a lot longer for me to write in Hindi because I have to use Google Translate to make sure each sentence makes sense and is grammatically correct. Some lines sounded unnatural to write in English, so I kept those in Hindi and wrote the rest in English. Also, this is technically a sequel to my Suhaag Raat OS, but I guess it can also be read as a standalone.

Thank you all for your love and support, and a special thank you to magap2023 for motivating me to write this (sorry for making you wait half a year to read this XD)! I hope you all enjoy <3


It was a Monday at Kapoor Urban Strategies, and Ram was working in his office when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in," he said as he closed the file in his hand.

"Hi Ram!" Krish smiled as he entered and took the seat across from Ram.

"Hey, Krish! Thanks for stopping by. There was something important I needed to ask you about, and I thought talking in person would be better than having this conversation on the phone."

"No worries, Ram. What's up?"

"Well, first of all, I want to thank you and apologize to you. I'm really sorry for doubting your relationship with Priya, and thank you so, so much for taking care of her and Pihu during our five years apart."

"It's alright, Ram. I can't fault you for being rude to me before; I had outright told you that I had feelings for her, and then you had been told that Priya cheated on you with me after what happened with Shivina. No hard feelings."

"No, Krish, my behavior with you wasn't okay. It shouldn't have mattered that you had feelings for Priya when she made it clear that she had only had a small crush on you years ago. Just because I was insecure doesn't mean I should have treated you and Priya like that. But anyways, I need to ask something big of you, and I need you to tell me everything you know about this topic."

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