Letting Go

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"Are you sure you want to go through with this, Priya? There's no pressure on you to say yes, you can back out even now," Krish asked Priya as they sat in his car.

"Yes Krish, I'm sure about this. As much as I love Mr. Kapoor, you were right about Pihu needing security. I don't want to let my baby suffer because of my mistakes," Priya smiled sadly, looking back at the 3-year-old sleeping in the back seat.

"Alright Priya. But I want you to know that you will always be Mrs. Priya Ram Kapoor, and I won't ever try to take Ram's spot. Sure, I have my issues with him, but his love is why you went from Khadoos Priya Sood to Sunshine Priya. Plus, he's half the reason my best friend Beautiful exists."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kapoor," Priya tearfully whispered as she and Krish made their way into the courthouse.


"Mr. Kapoor, I need to tell you something before we officially get back together. I don't know how you'll take this news, but-"

Ram cut Priya off and took her hands in his. "Priya, you can trust me. I'm serious about taking you back for good. What's wrong?"

"Krish and I got legally married during our separation. But please don't think it was for love or for me wanting to replace you. Krish sat me down one day and told me that it was unsafe for me and Pihu to keep moving around and that it would be better for there to be some legal documentation that would connect us. Believe me, Mr. Kapoor, nothing has happened between us in these few years. I only did it so he could protect us from Nandini Kapoor," Priya blurted out.

"Relax, Priya. I trust you and Krish wholeheartedly. He has a crush on you, but I know he wouldn't have crossed any boundaries with you."

"He has a crush on me? Since when?"

Ram chuckled. "Okay, that's further confirmation for me that everything between you two was purely platonic. But really Priya, you have nothing to worry about. Nandini Kapoor was dangerous and could have done anything to harm you and Pihu. It's good that he took this step to protect you from her or anyone who would try to character assassinate you. But... if we want to remarry..."

"Krish always assured me that he would happily sign the divorce papers once everything was sorted out between you and me. I always corrected him and told him 'if, not when', but I guess he was right all along. Let me call him and ask him to meet up."

Priya called Krish and put the phone on speaker mode.

"Krish, my dearest husband, let's meet up. I need to serve you some divorce papers."

"Thank God, it's about time!"


A/N: So, not sure if anyone has noticed, but the past two years I've published something on my birthday, and the common theme has been Krish being romantically involved with one of Ram's exes (in 2022 it was Vedika, in 2023 it was Kriti). I wanted to do the same this year as well, but I haven't had any time recently to write something new. This was something in my drafts, and well...

Priya was *technically* Ram's ex (and they *were* separated for longer than they were married)...


PS: I think I've ran out of exes so pls suggest more people to hook Krish up with 😭

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