(Not) Yours

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Prompt: After a troublesome divorce with her ex-husband Neeraj, Priya and her daughter Pihu move back to New York City, where Priya once went to college. Ram, a college acquaintance who is also newly-single, offers them a room in his suburban house. What follows is a cute acquaintances-to-makaan maalik/tenant-to-friends-to-lovers story.

A million thanks to magap2023 for encouraging me to post this as a standalone OS 🙈


"Good night, Pihu," Priya said as she stroked her daughter's hair. They had just come back from a picnic with Ram at a nearby park minutes away from his house. When they first started to feel the drizzle on their skin, they decided to run back home, getting entirely soaked as the downpour got heavier.

"Good night Mumma. Good night RK," Pihu sleepily mumbled before dozing off, and Priya spun around. Not wanting Pihu to get sick, she quickly took her to their room and got her changed before putting her to bed. As it is, she had already begun feeling sparks of attraction towards Ram lately; she knew her crush would intensify even more if she saw him like this.

But now, it was unavoidable.

She looked up and was immediately drawn to his soaked shirt, which was now essentially see-through. What was a loose polo was now plastered onto his strong biceps and pecs, and Priya felt her mouth go dry. Her primal instincts urged her eyes to wander lower and notice how his jeans were clinging to all the right places, but she willed herself to stop.

He's not yours, she chanted in her head as she averted her gaze from his body onto the floor.

Meanwhile, Ram was also checking Priya out. The rain had made her kurti stick to her curves, each and every one of them. He, too, had been feeling attraction towards Priya but had tried to keep it as hidden as possible. They were friends, but there was no way he could ever propose to her so soon. It had only been a few months since they got out of their previous relationships, and he also didn't want Pihu's life to be affected either.

But in this moment, all he could think about was taking her hand, walking out of their room and into his, and letting the world fade away as they made love to each other.

She's not yours, he chanted to distract himself from his thoughts.

"Um, I turned the heating on and made some coffee for both of us," he said as he looked past her head and at the bookshelf.

Priya, still looking down at her feet, nodded. As Ram started to walk out of the room, she too did the same.

What she hadn't noticed was that he had stopped at the entrance of the kitchen, and so she bumped right into him.

Big mistake.

They both felt a jolt as her soft body made contact with his hard back. She scrunched her eyes shut as she tried to control her hormones.

Ram spun around.

"Priya...are...you... are you okay?" He asked with the steadiest tone he could muster. Thank God she had walked into his back and not his front, or else she'd come to realize that her action had made him 10 times harder.

Priya looked up, and they noticed each other's dilated eyes. Ram also noticed her cheeks turn pink and her gaze flutter between his eyes and lips.

This was his sign.

He cupped her face with his hands and leaned in for a kiss. It was intense and mind-melting, enough to turn Priya's legs into jelly and give in. But then she felt Ram's strong arm wrap around her waist, and her mind melted a little bit more feeling his erection against her.

At this point, she wasn't even sure if her panties were soaked because of the rain or because of him.

They parted to breathe again, but the sexual tension was still there, if not heightened. Ram released hold of Priya momentarily before grabbing one of her hands, and they quickly sprinted towards his room.

5 more steps.

4 more steps.




Their bodies became one, their coffee left cold on the kitchen countertop, with the rain providing the most perfect background noise for a smoldering night.

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