the start

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"Sister, we need to leave at once," Amara's brother called out to her, searching the lavish penthouse for the aforementioned sixteen year old. "I know you wish to remain at home but think of the dressings we can talk about when we return home."


Stepping out of her room, dressed in a golden ensemble which seemed to be too fitted for a teen. The outfit was in the eyes of the Capitol: uncommon. It would've been for anyone, it lacked the crazed wig and puffy shoulders. Yet the girl looked like a goddess, with light gold placed on her cheek bones. Her dyed blonde hair formed a crown atop her head.

Leaving the home, the siblings made their way to Caesar Flickerman's studio for their interviews.

"Now Amara, tell me how does it feel to have your brother as the head game maker for the 74th hunger games?"

"Well Caesar, it's honorable, I'm sure these games will be special." The girl said with a twinkle in her eye.

Leaning closer, Caesar asked what was in the crowds' minds. "Now I must say that that dress is stunning-"

"Thank you and no you may not borrow it"

Laughing, the older man continued, "-well then you must make me one, a suit maybe?"

The teen nods, humming in agreement, "Maybe."

"I'm excited to see it, and I'm thrilled to assist you in announcing your big news!" The man looks to the faux blonde, awaiting confirmation to continue. "This Hunger Games, Amara Crane is apprenticing with District Twelve's newest stylist Cinna to better start her career in styling tributes!"

Standing up, he grabs the hand of the golden teen, raising their interlaced hands above their heads and takes a bow.

"Amara Crane - Panem's youngest stylist!"

"Cinna, are you sure you want to go with fire?"

"Darling they're coal miners, if we put fire and pressure we'll get diamonds."

On the Reaping Day, Amara was seated next to Cinna in the man's studio, watching the broadcast of Twelve's reaping in hopes of figuring out how to execute the plan.

Coming from the screen was the voice of Effie Trinket. "Now for the ladies-" there's a pause as she grabs the piece of paper. "Primrose Everdeen!"

The camera pans to a girl no older than twelve.

"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!"

The background mumbling on the screen goes silent, Effie's face is lined with shock, as are the two stylist's.

"Wonderful, our first ever volunteer!"

As the girl walks to the stage, Amara can't help but notice the hidden strength and anger that bubbles beneath her skin.

"Cinna" She lightly elbows the man next to her in an attempt to get his attention, "She's our fire."

After the split second of eye contact, the two go back to watching the broadcast.

"Our male tribute is Peeta Mellark!"

As Effie's isolated claps are heard, a blond walks to the stage, and something in Amara's heart falls into her stomach, her heart starts sinking inside herself.

"I need to speak to my brother, excuse me Cin, I must be leaving," crossing over to the studio's door, she looks at the man. "Do the fire. I'll be back tomorrow to help and watch."

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