Chapter 9: Almighty integrated Robot

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Lalisa teared up as understanding dawned on her. She could remember when she had just been taken to the base. There had been a little girl who had only arrived just then, little Xie had some health complications since she had been born by scientific research.

Although her health was bad, she was almost as intelligent as Lalisa at the age of twelve.

At first, Lalisa had no idea about her being born through science and had even worked harder using her own free to research even further on how she could help the little girl that no one mided helping.

Until one day Little Xie disappeared. No matter how much she tried to ask or search the base, she didn't find little Xie. She just imagined that the little girl had been left to die somewhere or maybe killed through some research like the others.

Never would she have thought that this was what they used Little Xie for.

"Little Xie! Are you there?" She called out, her voice having some frantic tone that made the man that had just laid down on the couch stand up.

"Are you okay?" He asked out of concern that made Lalisa regain her right mind.

"Hmm. I just remembered how one of my favorite movie characters died." She said with a wince.

Jungkook looked at her for a while before nodding his head in understanding.

"If you say so." Without another word, he turned and went back to the couch while Lalisa went back to her room knowing that she had made a slip-up.

Instead of going to sleep immediately, she entered the bathroom desperate to hear Little xie's voice again.

"Little Loli?" She called out softly.

"Master!" The familiar voice replied gently. If she wasn't a highly intelligent person, she would have missed the fact that the waves of little Loli's voice was the same.

Even though she sounded enthusiastic, it was clear that it was a programmed voice.

"Master, I'm right here in your head." Little Loli's voice spoke up again.

"In my head?" Lalisa asked confused. How had the divine robotic system come with her back here?

"Hmmm, you can't see me after all, this device is still just setting up but after some upgrades, I'm sure master will be able to see me."

Lalisa yawned slightly, the tiredness of running around all day was hitting her. Yet, she did not dare to sleep without knowing what was going on.

One of the most important thing to her at the moment was,building a better life, getting back at those that had harmed her. Somehow, whatever this was, it was connected to the two.

So instead of giving in to sleep, Lalisa stayed up and tried to understand this whole thing she was hearing.

After talking to Little Loli, she was able to come to an understanding.

Just like they had intended it to be, Little Loli had become one with the operating of the robot they built. Now, she who had it embedded in her brain cells could make use of the robot.

"Master! You can test it out now." Little Loli baited and for a moment, Lalisa felt like she had gone back to the stolen breaks that she spent in the laboratory.

She was always so eager to see how something felt or worked.

Without another thought, she used her mind to request the virtual screen, one of the things that the robot they had built they built had then.

A virtual computer screen appeared in front of her and just out of curiosity, she ran her hands through it to be sure it was truly virtual..

After doing it, she giggled at her own childishness before she began operating it.

The virtual system had everything like a normal computer and then had a little more to it like the speed and functionality.

Back then, ten years into the future when they had created this, it had already gone beyoond the technology at that time, now that it was even back in time, Lalisa was certain that the biotic chip and hardware of the computers they had used to build this was still under discovery.

After that, she used her mind to will out the space survillence system.

"For now, the system would only be able to bring out surveillance of about only 50 km in real time. However, the system can override any other surveillance in other areas to get their data." The little Loli's voice explained before finally activating it.

Since this was something she had been in the core of the building, she understood the data quite quickly.

They had developed this in a way that it was supposed to constantly upgrade since they didn't want it to be overwhelming for the human body that carried it.

Now that the chip had carried all its functions and embedded itself into her brain cells, it was only normal that it ugraded steathily.

Before long, the surroundings of all her house was presented to her on the virtual screen.

It had splitted into eight screens showing north, east, west and south of where she was in two layers.

Lalisa nodded in satisfation and then tested out some more features that they had added into the system for another 30 minutes before going back into her room.

Her mother stirred slightly as she climbed up onto the bed.

With her motherly insticts, she opened her eyes to confirm that it was her daughter but when her eyes saw the time on the wall clock, she frowned slightly.

"Lisa, it's so late already! Have you been drawing all this while?" Her mother asked.

"Yes, I only just finished. I'll be going to bed now."

Since she knew her mother, Lalisa knew Thankshat the best method was to immediately go to bed without allowing her to worry anymore.

Just like she thought, it worked as her mother sighed softly while watching her daughter's breathing gradually even out to show she was asleep.

It was only after watching her for more than ten minutes did she finally turn on her side and go to sleep also.

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