Chapter 79: Furious president

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Lalisa and Hanbin said nothing more as they started with the test. Since it was going to be international and with a lot of applicants, the exam was computer based. However, the teachers had opted for just setting the computer timer while allowing them to use the written one they had done.

Out of the two hours they had allocated, Lalisa had finished in thirty minutes and sat back on her seat while Hanbin finished his tests in an hour.

"Too hard?" the teacher that had scolded them earlier said with a scoff as he walked forward and took their papers.

Unlike the final examinations, this was a competition that tested all areas and so the man made copies quickly and passed the papers to all the teachers that had set the questions in there.

"I find it a lot simpler than the ones you would usually set, I found just one section tricky." Hanbin confessed as he dragged his chair closer to Lalisa.

"They are basic, if we score anything less than a ninety on this then we have no chance at all." Lalisa said with a chuckle and then the both of them watched as the teachers marked and then very quickly came together.

"Good! Good! You both did very well, Lalisa scored a 100 while Wu Hao got a 99 with a little mistake." teacher Lu announced with a beaming smile. The two students in front of him had an impassive face like what they had done wasn't any great feat at all.

"Perhaps we would do even better than we expect." one of the teachers said with a sigh and all the others nodded in agreement.

"Although you scored a 100 here, by our estimate, that's only a fifty in the preliminaries examination as what we set is half the difficulty level of the real thing. So you both cannot begin to lag behind in your studies." he added and the both of them listened without a word, after half an hour later, they finally dismissed them to go.


Lalisa was surprised to see that Rosè and Jimin were standing in front of the staff office building when they came out, after all, they had spent nothing less than two hours there and were expecting the whole school to be deserted.

"How did it go?" Rosè asked anxiously as she sprang up from where she was sitting forgetting that there had been a block there when she sat down.

She let out a loud shriek as she thought she was going to fall while Jimin and Lalisa rushed out at the same moment to save her. Before Lalisa could get there, Jimin had already saved the day and held her out by the waist.

"You should be more careful." he chided gently as he helped her steady her feet with his hands that were by her waist. Rosè nodded hurriedly with her face flushed red in embarrassment. Wu Hao subconsciously glanced at Lalisa to be sure she had seen the dazed look in Rosè's eyes as she looked at Jimin and the both of them shared a knowing look.

Perhaps because she hadn't expected that someone like him would have such a hard life, or maybe his perseverance had gotten to her, Lalisa had noticed from the first day Jimin had returned to school that there was something wrong about how Rosè was looking at Jimin.

"Lili, my brothers asked that I bring my friends over for a congratulatory lunch. We were waiting for you both." Rosè said as she looked at Wu Hao as if asking for his opinion. Although her first brother had only asked her to invite Lalisa over, she had felt it would be weird and had decided that it would be better to invite all of them.

Jimin and Wu Hao subconsciously looked at Lalisa as if waiting for her decision.

"Okay, is it today?"

"Yes, I had my driver wait so we could all leave together."

Like that, the four of them entered the big jeep that had been sent to pick Rosè up.

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