Chapter 1: The Terrible Awful

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Teenage Hugo Rockefeller seemed like he lived the normal life of a rich boy. He had medium length blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. He lived in a beautiful luxurious house with his parents and younger sister Vasalisa. They had a maid to take care of them and Hugo was in his room getting prepared for Redwood High School in LA reserved for rich kids like him.

Hugo: Started narrating. Hi everyone, my name is Hugo Rockefeller and I'm getting ready to attend my new school.

Hugo: You may think I live a very good life but deep down I have a secret. Do you think it's good or bad?

He walked downstairs and had breakfast with his family. His father, Harold, spoke.

Harold: You look really cool with your new hairstyle, Hugo. I guess I'm ready to send you to your new school.

Hugo: Thanks dad. I really like my new hairstyle.

Afterwards, Hugo and his dad were near the school campus and Hector got out of his dad's car as soon as they were there. He walked into the school campus and saw a bunch of students scattered around. He walked around the school campus and tried to explore the buildings and read his schedule in his hands.

Hugo: On the inside. Where are my classes supposed to be?

A moment later, a guy approached Hugo. He had red hair, green eyes, fair white skin, and wore a black jacket with a blue shirt that had a DNA symbol on it. His name was Braxton Kowalski.

Braxton: Excuse me, bro...Is everything alright? Are you looking for something?

Hugo: Turned around and said. Oh you scared me...

Hugo: He showed Braxton his schedule. I'm Hugo and I'm new here. I can't find where my classes are...

Braxton: I see you have biology class first. You'll go to the building behind me...I'm Braxton and I'm in the same grade.

Braxton: It's my pleasure to help you. We should be friends.

Hugo: Really? I would like that too, dude.

After a while Hugo had gone to the building where his first period was and the teacher was informed he was new to the school. She asked him to introduce himself to the entire class.

Hugo: My name is Hugo and I love to draw and listen to music. I hope to have a good time with everyone in class.

Teacher: Great Hugo, you can go sit down at the front.

Hugo sat down next to Stefan Collins. He was very handsome and charming with neatly styled black hair, pale skin, and wearing a fancy frilled black and white outfit. He had a coquettish, but slightly mischievous expression. Stefan decided he would introduce himself to Hugo.

Stefan: That was a fantastic introduction, Hugo. My name is Stefan.

Hugo: He tried to smile, but on the inside he was a bit taken aback by this guy. Nice to meet you too Stefan.

Stefan: I would like to know...Why do you go to this school now?

Hugo: People were mean to me at my old school...It's better to attend at this school since it's closer to my home.

Stefan: I'm sorry those people were mean to you. You did the best choice to leave and I would like for us to get more acquainted.

Hugo: Thank you dude...I don't mean to ask but are you an aristocrat? Your outfit looks very exquisite.

Stefan: Yes, I am Hugo. I come from an aristocratic family.

When Hugo's first awkward class was over, he went to his next class in which he shared with Braxton. He was sitting beside him and he looked a bit uncomfortable and Braxton noticed that.

Braxton: What's wrong, Hugo? You look very uncomfortable.

Hugo: There was this one guy Stefan I met...I had the most shallow conversation with him.

Braxton: Dude you mean like Stefan Collins? I heard this guy is the richest kid in school.

Hugo: That doesn't surprise me a bit. He said I could be friends with him.

Braxton: Let me tell you something. He usually doesn't ask anyone to be friends with him.

Hugo: Weird. He told me he can help me get into a relationship with one of the girls he rejected.

Braxton: Don't listen to him. He seems sort of conceited.

Hugo: I know I shouldn't judge this guy, but I already got a weird feeling from him.

The teacher allowed the class a 10 minute break and both Hugo and Braxton were in the hallway talking. Hugo decided he was going to tell his deepest darkest secret to Braxton and hoped he wouldn't tell anyone. Of course, Braxton was surprised but didn't freak out.

Braxton: Omg... I remembered watching the trend news about a teenager around our age that kidnapped a girl, but they didn't mention his name at all.

Hugo: Surprised, are you? That guy was me. I changed my hairstyle so not many people would recognize me here at school.

Braxton: I didn't expect you to tell me that, but I won't allow anyone to learn about your past. I won't unfriend you bro...

Hugo: Really? I won't let anyone else discover my horrible secret either...

In the distance, Stefan and his friends were eavesdropping on their conversation and Stefan had a wicked grin on his face. He knew exactly what he was going for when it came to Hugo.

After school, Stefan went to his house with his friends Kade Babcock and Roger Sutherland. They were having a conversation about Hugo in Stefan's large, fancy room.

Kade: Stefan, I can't believe what we heard. He's the same guy who kidnapped a girl months ago...

Stefan: With a sinister smile. I knew he was familiar...I was barely surprised when he revealed his dirty secret to Braxton...

Stefan: He's just like me. He's just as cunning and manipulative as I am.

Kade: It's been 2 years, and no one knows about what we have done...

Stefan: That's a good thing...our plan worked perfectly.

Roger: Do you actually have a crush on the model girl Christa? You've been friends with her for so long.

Stefan: I do. I only have my eyes on her and no one else can have her, but me.

When Kade and Roger left Stefan's house, he decided to call his love interest Christa Hilton to see what she's doing. She was a very pretty girl with long, wavy blonde hair, fair skin, and red lips.

Stefan: Hello, Christa. I finished with our class assignments. I want to know how you're doing...

Christa: Hey, Stefan. Today was good. I just got home from modeling...

Stefan: It makes me happy when you answer my calls. Your voice is just as beautiful as yourself.

Christa: Haha really? Thanks for calling me, Stefan...

As Christa continued to talk to Stefan about her day, her mom entered her room to see what she's doing. She interrupted her.

Christa's mom: With a strict expression. Christa, who are you talking to on the phone?

Christa: She stood up from her bed and said. I was talking to Stefan...

Christa's mom: She started to smile a bit. Oh, that gentleman of an aristocrat?

Christa's mom: He seems very kind and elegant, don't you think? You should spend more time with him.

Christa: I know you're still unhappy about my bio grade, but I'll make up for it.

Christa's mom: You should let Stefan tutor you...He's very smart and he can help you easily.

Christa: I'm not sure about that...I don't want to stress him out.

Christa's mom: With a more serious expression. Well, I insist, Christa. Either you work with him or I will find a tutor for you.

Christa's mom: If you don't increase your grade, I will make you quit modeling. She said as she walked out of her mom. 

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