The Slat

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    The boy had led her back to his room in the slat. It wasn't much just the attic with a window to the city and a skylight in the corner about a shelved nook. But it was his.

Closing the door he glanced back at the girl. The little girl looked around the room, finding the best exits and hiding spots in case she needed it. "Come here" she heard him call from behind the messy makeshift desk he had, when she got closer she was able to see what looked like a map of a building- in writing she could not read.  " My name is Kaz, Kaz brekker" he handed her the key to her chains. In shock she looked up into his eyes, questioning what she was to do with it. " Unlock yourself" and she did.

    She could feel his eyes wander to her without the chains, the scars around her wrist and neck that she knew would never go away. " What is your name?" he asked, she didn't know how to reply, she couldn't reply. She was never taught the gift of speech, she didn't know how to form words with sounds she would make to herself alone. She was only just able to comprehend what was being asked of her. Nothing else, no words, no drawings, just signs of recognition. She looked back at Kaz and shook her head, trying her best to communicate with him. 


He stared at the girl, a harsh glare that seemed to not faze her. His mind sorted the possible reasons for her not answering but only one made sense to him. He read over the papers in depth . Indentured since she was two years of age, all different types of owners, no record of a name just her slave number. It all made sense, she was never taught how to speak, not to mention read or write. He can wisley assume she was never given a name. " Well then, I guess I'll just give you one" If he wasn't so good at reading people he wouldn't  have noticed her mood shift, he caught the glimmers of a child that had been locked away. He looked back into those catlike gold eyes and smirked "it's a pleasure to meet you Erine"

    He had two months, two months until his bank heist and he wanted to be able to count on her. Yes, she was young. But she had the drive, the same drive he and jordie had when they came here. And that was enough for him to work with her, to keep her by his side. Under his wing.

That was when the crow started to teach the panther.

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