The Heist

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    Two months, it had been two months since he took on Erine, in that time kaz has seen her prevail time and time again. He was tempted to say she was a better pickpocket than him. But he'd never admit it. In two months he had trained her in all his skills, and then outgrew her own. She was able to scale a building in seconds and be in and out within minutes. Her movements were swift and stealthy, but her eyes always gave away the enjoyment.

    In the two months Kaz had known her he had noted everything he could. After all, one must know their investments.  Any time he had taken her on a small 'outing' to test her skills he saw how her eyes glowed with excitement, like a cat hunting its prey. He could see she enjoyed the freedom that she was never allowed. Even late at night, while Kaz worked at the small desk by candlelight, he would glance at the shelved nook she had claimed as her 'bed', though in realit,y it was a bundle of blankets and pillows stolen from his own. And everytime he did she would either be asleep holding the small plush dog he had stolen when trying to teach her a new trick or staring through the skylight at the stars

    ' it's time' he thought as he looked over the blueprints to the bank Pekka Rollins had conned him with. He had been scheming for nearly a year, gathering a small crew from the dregs to help him, and now of course Erine. The fourteen year old boy re-ran the plan in his head over and over. Making sure every detail was embedded and correct in his mind, there was no room for error. Kaz stood up and went to grab his coat before turning to where the young girl layed perched in her nook looking at the stars.


"Erine" she heard Kaz call her name softly. One thing the pair had learned while working together is that she had very sensitive ears, ones that were fine tuned and could hear exceptionally well. The downside, she hated loud sudden noises. She jumped down from her nook and walked up to Kaz and looked up at him. " Do you remember the plan?" he asked with his eyebrow raised. She nodded, still not knowing words enough to respond. " Good girl, now time to go, and remember No mourners, No funerals," he said to her as they made their way out the window.

    Erine had a Cheshire grin on her face as she and Kaz jumped the roofs to the rondeau point just a block away from the bank, where they would meet the rest of Kaz's crew. Kaz had given her one of his old daggers along with the clothes he long outgrew, she sported black trousers rolled up paired with a black shirt tied together with a black belt. Unfortunately the belt was way too big, leaving what looked like a tail behind her as she traveled.

    Upon arrival Kaz turned to her, "Stay to the plan, be smart. Don't get caught". He then turned to the rest of the crew, " Let's move.". Erine took off to look for the skylight Kaz had shown her on the map numerous times. She crept over the roof and peered into the window, the soft glow illuminating her eyes. Once she was sure it was clear she started to pick the lock open. 'Just like practiced' she repeated 'look for weakness' she thought as she lifted the window and jumped down.

    The bank was fancy, fancier than any place she had ever been. The marble tiled shined her reflection back at her, the columns stood so high they looked like skyscrapers. Erine looked around for the air vent, finding it just to her right. Removing the grate Erine prepared to crawl through the tight airway. Unbeknownst to Kaz, Erine hid her fear of tight spaces, too eager to please him rather than show her weakness. With one last deep breath she crawled through.

That was when The Crow started to work with his Panther.

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