The Silver Pin

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Erine wasn't familiar with travel by carriage, if at all. From what she had seen on the busy streets of Ketterdam it was a luxury reserved for the wealthy, she recalled the small glimpses of the plush cushioned seats and elegant curtain drapings and thought there was nothing more comfortable.

She was wrong. It was not comfortable at all.

Granted she also didn't believe one small carriage was meant to fit two tall teenage boys, a plump grown man, Inej, and of course herself. For the first few hours of their journey, Erine sat on Jesper's lap, seeing as he was the most comfortable one out of the crows, Kaz was out of the question and Inej carried too many knives. Besides Jesper let her look out the window at the passing scenery and occasionally play with his rings to keep her occupied. But there was only so much that could entertain an 11-year-old. Very soon she became restless, distracting to the mission at hand, and Dirty Hands wasn't having it.

That is how she ended up on the carriage floor, knees to her chest, nestled between Kaz's Cane and Inej's leg. She no fiddled with a little lock and lock pic set Kaz had given her. "Practice" was all he said as he tossed it to her. Despite having done it many times, it was enough to keep her tranquil for them to focus.

" I didn't hire you simply to get us across the fold. You're with us because you smuggle Grisha out of the little palace, and that is the location of our target." Kaz explained to the conductor, Erine had forgotten his name long ago and didn't like him enough to remember. Like Kaz, Erine liked very few, let alone trust. So why waste her time remembering a name she didn't care about? " Sun summoner " Inej corrected, "Alleged"

Both Erine and Jesper rolled their eyes at the other crows. To say the conflict of interest was affecting the job was an understatement. Erine knew Kaz could care less if there are saints or not so long as he got paid. But Inej, her saints were the only ties she had to a life far better than the one she was living. Erine could understand both, she longed to have that connection with hope, to believe in something greater than her. But she knew the world was a cruel place, she knew things no child should know, and that is why she didn't hope in the saints. For her, hope was with Kaz and Kruge.

The carriage jostled as the road changed from dirt to pavement, they had entered Novikirbrisk. "They wouldn't keep a fraud in the most secure location in all of Ravka" The Suli argued. Kaz ignored her and faced the elder man once more "You said you have a contact who can get us inside. A heartrender." he stated, " How do I know we can trust her?" Erine stopped fidgeting for a moment to listen to the answer "Nina... grew up there" It wasn't enough. "Most grisha grew up in the little palace. Very few would betray their general and fewer still would help foreigners kidnap their most prized possession" Kaz states, sparring a glance down at Erine. "Nina's a radical, thinks Grisha should choose if they serve the crown. She despises involuntary service more than she does fjerdans" the conductor explained. This Nina character sounded like someone Erine would like, after all, she too hated involuntary service and the number embedded on her wrist reminded her of it.


Kaz hated the city, it was loud and bustling, and far too many people walking about. But yet the pickpocket in him couldn't have been any happier. Still, there was a job to do and money to make. As soon as he stepped foot off of the carriage he signed for Erine to stay close to him, and if need be hold onto his coat sleeve. For one, he couldn't risk Erine getting lost in unfamiliar territory, he needed his panther. And two, though he would never admit it. He wanted to get accustomed to contact with her. He owed her that much.

The group of five approached the inn Arken, the conductor, had been informed she was staying in. Upon entry, Kaz quickly took note of the money in the innkeeper's hands and nudged Erine. 'Stay by my side, something is wrong' he signed to her. Erine nodded to him and gave him a look that said she could sense it as well. Nina's room was worse than Jesper's at the slat. It was a downright mess. Clothes were thrown, the window open, and glass shattered. Erine went to go pick up the shards until Kaz lightly tapped her side with his cane. Her honey Eyes locked with his ' Don't touch it Katje, I don't know where it's been' he scolded lightly. And the young girl stood back up and went to his side, close- almost touching- but just far enough.

Arken was the first to speak. "She knew to expect us" Kaz could've rolled his eyes "She isn't late, She's gone," He said as he slammed her suitcase down revealing a wolf pin on the bed. Arken quickly grabbed "Drüskelle, they are ruthless grisha hunters" he explained. Kaz felt a little tug on his jacket, Erine had grabbed the fabric. Her eyes stared at the pin in Arken's hand, filled with dread and fear. Something Kaz hated. He hastily turned to face Inej who had also noticed Erine's discomfort and started searching the balcony. "That explains the fjerdan Krydda the innkeeper was counting when we arrived. Likely he ratted her out" The Kerch boy noted to the group," She's probably captive on a ship to Fjerda right now" If possible Erine's grip on his jacket tightened. "They had a clear line of attack" noted the wraith as she stood close to Erine.

Kaz looked into Inej's eyes, they shared a look, similar to the one they had last night. Only this one was fierce and protective, not out of concern. Kaz knew that no matter what the wraith would always care for the Panther. It was one of the small comforts Inej gave him that made her all the more alluring. He knew, that wherever Inej was, Erine was safe. He cursed himself as he stared into her eyes longer than he should have " Take a look. Make sure there aren't any more surprises" he glanced down at Erine, she just stayed locked on the spot where the pin was. Kaz motioned for Jesper to take Arken out of the room, he needed to help Erine and he refused to have Arken see her so weak.

Once alone he sat on the bed in front of the young girl. "Katje, I need you to look at me" Her eyes didn't move. The only comfort Kaz took in her state was the fact that she was still breathing. Dirtyhands tried once more, moving closer and whispering " Katje, you are safe, now look at me" Still no movement. Kaz took a deep breath, he had one last strategy. The young man slowly reached up his hand, taking in deep long breaths to calm himself. He gently cupped her cheek and turned her head to look at him. " Erine" he called again softly, he noticed her eyes start to move towards his. "that's it, look at me. You are not there. You right here with me, with Inej. we won't let anything happen. I won't let anything happen" By now she was making direct eye contact with him. Kaz counted the seconds, 30 total before he had to rip his hand away from her warm face. " Now, tell me Katje. What caused it?" he asked, those episodes weren't new. Sure they weren't common but Kaz Brekkar was no stranger to trauma and its effects, he knew there was a trigger. He needed to know the trigger so he could destroy it, he couldn't let the panther be weak, not here, not now.

" The pin" she answered quietly. " I remember... I saw it- before". Kaz nodded, his blue eyes showed a calm collectiveness but the gears in his brain were turning. Inej hopped back threw the window. Upon seeing the young girl in her distressed state the suli wasted no time wrapping her up in her arms, leaving Dirtyhands to think. Why would she have seen a Fjerdan pin? Was it a previous owner? Her slavers? If so why would they take her so young? Fjerdans hunted Grisha, and Erine was only just now old enough to be tested. Though Kaz was sure she wasn't one. He knew how to look for the signs, and so far she had none.

He would put those thoughts to the back of his mind for after the job was done when he was back at the crow club in his office. Erine curled up on a chair while Inej read to her. When they were safe and rich. For now, there was a job to do. " Alright" he looked at the girls standing up from the bed "We need a way into the little palace," He said as he started to walk out of the room, Inej and Erine holding hands behind him.


Happy new year! what better way to start than with a long-awaited chapter?!

please vote and comment it keeps me motivated!

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