Goats and Cookies

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Kaz wasted no time leaving Nina's room and getting back on track to the task at hand. Erine was still holding Inej's hand, and while he wished she didn't show her weakness they needed to keep going. The group started to spread a bit in the front yard, everyone's minds going a mile a minute to try and solve the case. Well almost everyone.

"This seems like a reasonable juncture to abandon this sun summoner plan," Arkenr stated. Erine snorted, probably the loudest noise she made since they had left ketterdam. Kaz turned to face the elder man, his head cocked in an urging manner like he was taunting the conductor for being so foolish. this look wasn't new for Kaz, he gave it to any pigeon at the club when they couldn't see the 'good' deal laid in front of them. Good for Kaz but bad for them,. "Abandon?" he asked incredibly. Kaz hated men like him. Men who believed that everything was a choice to them, that they could just say no to a job and move on, though he secretly envied his ability to survive, despite his lack of drive, sense, or wits. If only he had it that easy. If only he didn't have to be the one with the Dirty Hands.

Kaz took one step closer to Arken. "We're in this now. And I know what a million Kruge means to me. What does it mean to you" he spoke to the group, looking at Inej. his wraith. " Freedom" she answered. One of the very few things he couldn't give her. "Fun, like a few months of it" answered Jesper, only to receive a kick to the shin from Erine. Atta girl. He thought. Kaz then moved his eyes to Arken, poking him for his response. "Retirement" he stated simply, as if it was obvious. Kaz then looked at Erine and quirked his brow, she understood ' I don't know, maybe a dog?' Kaz knew no one could tell, but he felt his heart tug.

Growing up on their small little farm, Kaz had a dog. A sheepdog. And little innocent Kaz adored the dog so much he was always with it. He could recall the times the dog would play fetch until his arms were sore, or when he had to bathe the dog and got water all over Jordie. But that was a long time ago, that was before they moved to the barrel, before the deal, before Jordie, before he became dirty hands. The boy birthed from the barrel, the demon whose hands were stained with the blood of his victims. That Kaz was dead. But looking into Erine's eyes as she spoke of it, brought him back for just a very small second. Kaz hated it, he was going soft. 'Not now' He addressed the group once more. "Right so we press on, you get us across the fold and I'll handle the rest on the other side".

It seemed the conductor finally came to his senses. " Fine, to cross I'll need 20 pounds of alabaster coal, a peck of majadalon jurda. Not the kind from Kerch, it's uh, too weak." Arken looked at Erine and then a Jesper "And uhh a goat". He finished. " Now we meet in the dead of night. There's a wreckage of a skiff northeast on the edge of town, so who gets what?" Arken instructed. Kaz nodded understanding the assignment. "Inej, Jurda. Erine and I will get the goat." He took two steps till he was inches from Jesper's face " And Jesper, just the coal. No detours." and with that the crows, plus Arken disbanded.


Erine glanced at Kaz as they stood a good distance from the market, he was observing the square, looking for the quickest way to get the goat. "Ernie, make sure your ear plugs are in, goats are quite loud," He told her before taking off down the bustling streets. She followed closely behind him, careful to avoid the crowds of people trying to live everyday lives. Part of Erine wondered if she would ever do that, to live a life that wasn't in the shadows or in a world of gangs and trickery. She wasn't sure that life even existed in the realm of possibilities for her. For Erine her whole life was just spent being owned, and while Kaz never made her feel like property it didn't change the fact that she was still listed and labeled like a barrel of ale. And frankly, she might be okay with not having an 'everyday life' if she had Inej and Kaz, if she had the crows, she would be happy.

"Pick one" Kaz said, breaking her out of her thoughts. Without noticing they had arrived at the old man's small pasture, in it were tons of goats. And like Kaz had said they were loud, too loud. Erine grimaced at the belts a big brown one held not even two feet from her. Erine concluded she did not like goats. Her honey eyes scanned the pasture until they locked on a tiny grey and white goat, he was easily the smallest of the goats but that wasn't why she chose him. He seemed to be calm and quiet, something Erine greatly liked. She tugged on Kaz's coat sleeve and pointed.

Now with the goat securely in Kaz's hold, the pair made their way to the town square to hopefully meet up with the other crows, along their Journey back Kaz had given Erine a couple of Kruger to go buy some snacks. So now the girl had a small snack of cookies and was happily munching on them. " Don't eat too many of those Erine, Inej, and Jesper may want some" He said as they finally reached the square. There was more yelling than Erine had anticipated and it greatly agitated her ears. Looking in the direction of the sound Erine could see a Ravkan man standing elevated in the crowd screaming about the fold. "It's time to accept that we need to break away from the old country. Now is the time to form our own country." She followed Kaz deeper into the crowd covering her ears. "- to keep what we make and what we earn instead of sending it east. For the true Ravka!" the crowd started to cheer louder than before. Erine winced.

She saw Kaz glance down at her before taping her ankle with his cane, a gesture that meant 'come along' as he led them to the outskirts of the rally away from the noise, but still in sight of what was happening. Erine caught a glimpse of a familiar coat, the Conductor. The young girl hastily tugged on Kaz's sleeve alerting him of what she saw. " Good eyes Katje" he complimented. The pair looked at the conductor, they observed him entering a tent with the main they saw rallying in the center moments ago. So he can get stupider' thought the girl. She saw Kaz's glare harden staring intently at the tent. Until she saw lovely blue robes staring at the monument. Inej. She tugged Kaz's sleeve once more before pointing to the wraith. She saw him give a glance and nod to her, giving all the permission needed for Erine to go a see her favorite Suli.

A/N- Two chapters in two days??? who am I???

but being real, I'm on break so I'm using my free time to be productive and write again, I'll try and keep this up for as long as I am able.

and thank you all for the votes and comments, it brings a smile to my face every time I see them.

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