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A/n I have to say I was so excited to get my first message from a boy!

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Carl: Ok so I have a problem. I like this girl and I don't really know if she thinks of us as FRIENDS but I don't know. I was gonna see if we had anything in common, but if I say something really stupid and then the whole school will know. I don't know what to do.

Me: Wait so do you hang out with the girl?

Carl: Well not really we mainly Just text we have talked in the hallways some and on social media.

Me: How long have you known her? So you're just crushing on the downlow?

Carl: Well about two years.

Me: Awwwwww & when you talk whats that like?Like what does she say? Teasing, etc?

Carl: Like talk over text or in real life?

Me: Both is better.

Carl: Usually just hey then like she always has a reason to leave.

Me: Well, like I told someone else, she might be leaving because she doesn't like you. I think you should ask her one day after saying hi "why are you leaving so sudden" and hangout with her for a while.Then ask her simply, do you like me? if you wanna, but it might not end so well, so think about this part.

Carl: Ok I'll try it.


Carl's follow up: I saw her at a baseball game and she said she was just nervous when she was around me. She said yes she likes me.

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