How To Handle Harshness Of A Parent

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Parents can be pretty harsh, usually unintentionally, but yeah it happens. And most times they won't realize how much they scarred their kid until the argument is over.

This chapter is for the kid handling the stress they're experiencing after the argument.

First, realize that your parent is just really stressed. They aren't open about it and they just don't know how to handle it so they accidentally freaked out on you. But right after that you must realize that no matter what harsh thing they just told you, it's not your fault either. Everyone has stressful days when one thing just sets them off, even teens. We all can relate and we all should accept that this is what really happened and not take everything so personally.

Second, find someone you trust to talk about the situation that just happened. It can be anyone you trust. Be completely honest with them about everything that happened. Your mistakes you made and the ones your parent made. Own up to it, it takes two people to have an argument. Also, do not get mad at the person you talk to for not being on your side, it's there own opinion and they can keep it. Try not to freak out on them for having an opinion. 

(If you tell someone about your parent hurting you or something tell them the reason why it occurred. I don't believe in hitting children to relay a message AT ALL. I believe that only makes them fear you. If your parent frequently hits you or emotionally puts you down then please report it to someone or contact me. There's a line between discipline and abuse.)

Lastly, here comes the parent apologizing to you again. Be accepting and realize what was going on, don't let your emotions hold onto a silly grudge. Realize there were some things you shouldn't have done either and apologize too. They'll see that's very mature of you and it'll strengthen your relationship and maybe even bring you more freedom.

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