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Fiona: Hiya :) I've just finished reading through your book about relationships and stuff and it looks like you know A LOT about boys n shit :? Can you help me?! There's this guy and he's in most of my classes at school and we've been friends(not besties or anything just friends) for about 2 years. A couple of weeks ago, my BFF told me that she really liked him. Here's the do I :/ I've not told her yet because I would feel like a bitch. I'm really not sure but I think the guy likes me(not to sound self-centred or anything.) I've taken like 42 tests online and all of them are positive :/ How would I know for sure? Should I tell my friend? Thank you Love Fiona

Me: Awww. Lol. Hi there, I think first of all, yes you should tell your friend because if he does like you then if you guys finally get together she won't feel betrayal or as betrayed. When you do this of course she will be angry, but the Truth is always better. Try to make an agreement of some type.Secondly, everyone/every guy is different. You'll never exactly positively know if he likes you unless you straight up ask him.I think that since its been a while (2years you say) that there's a greater chance he likes you. How long has your friend known him?

Fiona: Thanks so much!! I spent seven years of primary (junior? Elementary?) school with her and we're now in most of the same classes so yeah, I really don't want to break the friendship. She met him at the same time as me. :/ Thanks for helping me! :)))))

Me: You're welcome. I hope it goes well. Tell me how it goes if you can .


Fiona's Follow up: told her and she was completely fine about it. Turns out that I was right, the guy did actually like me. Thank you for all your help! Please keep writing, you have so much talent! Keep smiling :) XOXO

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