Chapter 1: I told you so

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Y/n pov

I lay on my bed scrolling through my phone. The TV was playing but I wasn't paying any attention. Who really cares about the news when nothing new happens?

(TV) "Go to police station..."

Those are the only words I picked up before there was a banging on my door. I stood up and opened it. A lady stood in front of it with her head down.

(Y/n) "Can I help you Ms.?"

All she did was groan in response. I took a few steps back getting a weird feeling from her. Suddenly she pounced on me her hands on my shoulders pushing me to the floor. Her mouth had blood dripping down some landing on me. Those eyes were fully white, no sign of life.

I struggled to get her off of me. Her head kept trying to bite my neck. I was absolutely terrified of what she is. A man walked into my apartment and wacked the lady on the head over and over again. Blood splattered all over my body. But that was the least of my worries.

(Man) "you should hurry to the police station like the rest of us!"

I tried to open my mouth but nothing would come out. My body felt cold like I'm still in shock. The man left in a hurry not bothering to close the door. I slowly pushed the lady off of me. Standing up I went to my closet and grabbed new clothes to change in. Walking to the bathroom I locked the door and looked in the mirror. My face was covered in blood. I grabbed the washcloth and wiped it off my face. My heart was still beating rapidly. Changing into my clothes I looked into the mirror.

(Y/n) "Am I really ready to go out there and deal with those things?" I mumbled to myself

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(Y/n) "Am I really ready to go out there and deal with those things?" I mumbled to myself

Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door and ran out of my apartment. Blood covered the floor making them slick. None of those creatures were in sight. But when I ran outside of the building I regretted my decision. Those unhuman things are everywhere. The metal smell was very potent. My feet ran even though my mind told to stay where I was.

I should have grabbed a knife when I was inside my apartment. Now I have nothing to protect myself besides my legs to run. The police station isn't very far from where I live. I hurried down the streets as fast as I can. Cars were on fire which were surrounded by creatures drawn to the noise.

(Y/n) "Help me!" I waved my hands trying to get the attention of someone driving a care

They were definitely going to fast and almost hit me. But behind them was a fuel tank semi-truck. I gasped and started running away. Before I made it far enough the explosion hit. The air blew me to the ground scratching me up. My hands were definitely bleeding from impact. I stood up and ran to the man who was driving the car. He was outside of it groaning on the ground.

(Y/n) "Are you okay!?" I asked worried

(???) "Oh, no." He grabbed my hand standing up and running

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