Chapter 3: Panic

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Y/n pov

It was very dark underground. The only light was from Leon's flashlight. I hadn't realized I was clinging onto his back until my hands started hurting.

(Leon) "Are you okay?" He asked

(Y/n) "How many times tonight will you ask me that?" I chuckled

There was a big crash nearby Leon looked around but we seen nothing. Groaning was getting closer and beads of sweat started to form on my forehead. Leon suddenly pushed me off of him. What I seen was something I never expected. A half man but with a big bulging arm. It had an eye near the shoulder. Leon was pushed through the floor on his own to fight this monster.

(Leon) "Jesus... Y/n stay up there!" He yelled

(Y/n) "Leon! There's zombies up here too!"

I was internally panicking. Leon isn't up here to protect me. I still have the knife from Marvin. That requires me getting close to them, that's risky. Pulling the knife out I made sure to plant my feet to the ground. If I jump over the hole they'll all just fall down and risk Leon getting killed. I could hear how many shots Leon was shooting. If I hear them stop for too long I'll jump down.

A zombie reaches it's arms out for me and I slice it's hands off. My eyes widen not expecting to be able to do that. I then stab the creature in the head over and over again until it fell to the ground. Blood was now splattered all over me...again. More just kept coming towards me to the point it was too much to handle.

(Y/n) "Leon is that thing almost dead!?" I yelled

(Leon) "This isn't a video game! I can't see a health bar!" I heard him distantly laugh

(Y/n) "Seems like a rookie issue!" I laughed also

Suddenly I was in a death grip. Leon really distracted me and now I might get killed. Gosh Leon...even me dying you're still on my mind. I stabbed the zombie in the heart over and over and I felt lightheaded. Finally it laid fully dead on me. I pushed it off and coughed roughly.

(Leon) "You okay?"Leon asked concerned

(Y/n) "Now you decide to be done with your battle." I rolled my eyes

(Leon) "Actually he decided to fall over the edge." He replied

(Leon) "Come down here! I'll catch you."

I looked down at him a bit suspicious of him. He held his arms out waiting for me to jump. I took a deep breath and jumped. He put me down on the ground gently. Looking around I realized a ladder had fell.

(Leon) "Someone's watching us."

(Y/n) "You sure that you just didn't realize?"

(Leon) "I'm pretty sure."

We went over to the ladder Leon looking at me. I tilted my head wondering what was going through his head. Those beautiful blue eyes were unreadable. But for a second I swear I seen his eyes soften.

He climbed up the ladder first, above us was a sewer drain. He pushed it up and glanced outside. Leon must've decided it was safe because he finally climbed out of it. We ended up in the police stations parking garage.

(Leon) "Damn...need a key card." Leon looked at the exit

(Y/n) "You've got to be kidding me..." I turned around hearing a dog growling

The dog ran straight past me and tackled Leon. I pulled my knife out taking a deep breath preparing for what I'm about to do.

(???) "Hey, stay sharp." The lady shot the dog on Leon

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