Chapter 10: Betrayal

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Leon smiled at me grabbing my hand to the lift. When we got on he didn't even bother letting go. Annette leaned against the wall at the top.

(Leon) "Jesus that looks bad." He looked at her wound

(Annette) "Feels worse trust me. Just promise me you'll destroy the G sample." She breathed heavily

(Leon) "No it's evidence. It's going to the FBI."

(Annette) "You really trust that bitch? She's not FBI, she's a mercenary. She's going to sell the virus to the highest bidder." She explained

(Y/n) "I knew she wasn't FBI!" My eyes widened

(Leon) "That's bullshit..."

Annette tried to say more but she fell against the ground dead. I'm glad she told us the truth. At least possibly.

(Intercom) "Self destruct sequence initiated."

Me and Leon ran to the main area where everything connected. The elevator stood right in front us. As well as Ada unlocking it.

(Leon) "Was just thinking about you." He seemed emotionless

(Ada) "Makes two of us. Thought you both died. Please tell me you got the virus." She walked towards us

(Leon) "Oh I got it."

Everything around us was starting to crumble. Even what we were standing on was becoming unstable. I grabbed onto Leon, if we fall at least we'll be together.

(Ada) "Let me verify the G sample." She held her hand out

(Leon) "Actually before, I just talked to Annette. She claims you're not FBI." He crossed his arms

(Ada) "Oh Leon... Why couldn't you just handle the sample?" She pointed her gun at him

(Leon) "Because as much as I wanted to trust you, I found out that I didn't." He pointed his gun in return

(Ada) "I really hoped it wouldn't end up like this."

(Leon) "We were just pawns to you!?"

(Ada) "I was just doing my job."

(Leon) "And I'm doing mine. Drop the gun!" He seemed mad

(Ada) "Hand over the sample Leon. I don't want to hurt you." She wasn't backing down

The bridge behind us fell. I grabbed onto Leon tighter stumbling slightly backwards.

(Leon) "Than shoot us. But I don't think you can." He put his gun down

I looked at Leon in shock. Just because he thinks she won't shoot him doesn't mean I feel the same. She'll definitely shoot me!

(Ada) "You better be saying your goodbyes." She pointed the gun at me

A bullet hit her shoulder. Ada looked at it while I looked behind us. Annette. The rest of the bridge we stood on started crumbling. I grabbed onto the edge hanging on for dear life. Ada also fell but Leon went after her grabbing her hand, not mine.

(Ada) "Leon..."

(Leon) "Hold on!"

The bridge fell a bit more down. I screamed now I was in serious danger. The angle of the part I held on was to the point I could hardly hold on.

(Ada) "Forget it!"

(Leon) "No I've got you."

Compared to Ada, I was his least priority. Why? I honestly wonder it. If he claims that kiss meant nothing than why her over me? Was it that he wanted her to punish for lying? I glanced over only seeing his back. It might be the last time I see his dirty blonde hair.

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