Chapter 4: Doubt

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Y/n pov

High heels tapped against the floor. They got louder the closer they were to us. Leon and I both stood up looking in the direction it was coming from. He pushed me behind his back pointing his gun ahead.

(???) "It's just me so you can put that thing away." The FBI lady showed up

(Leon) "I don't know what all happened quickly." He put his gun in the holster

(???) "I told you to get out of here. Wouldn't want to end up like Ben would you?" She said seriously

(Y/n) "Sounds like a threat."

(???) "Darling if I were involved than he certainly wouldn't be dead."

(Leon) "You knew him?"

(???) "Informant. Had information for my case." She replied blandly walking away

(Leon) "You can't keep walking away from me!" He tried to grab the lady's arm

(Leon) "We don't even know your name. I'm Leon Kennedy, this is Y/n." He crossed his arms

(???) "Find a way out Leon and protect your partner before it's too late. Maybe after we'll talk, names Ada." She walked further away from us

He turned towards me sighing like he didn't get the information he wanted. To be fair he only really asked about her name. But I wonder what her case is about. Leon randomly pulls a key out of his pocket unlocking Ben's cell.

(Y/n) "You had that the whole time?" I asked

(Leon) "Obviously, I'm not a wizard who just makes things appear." He chuckled

(Y/n) "So you could've let Ben out." I sighed

(Leon) "If I let him out there was a chance he'd betray us. Or that monster would go after us." He took the key card from his dead body

(Y/n) "I think it's because you didn't want a creep with us."

(Leon) "Did you?"

(Y/n) "No but my point stands." I crossed my arms

(Leon) "Actually no, I already answered the real reason why and it's actually good reasoning." He walked past me

I stood in place wondering when he got the key. To be honest something that doesn't really matter. But for some reason it seems like he enjoys it when its only us. When someone else appears he becomes stiff. I wonder what is going through his head.

(Leon) "You coming?" He turned around towards me

(Y/n) "Actually, give me a second." I went the way Ada just went hoping to catch up to her

I walked for a good minute before I seen the color of her coat. Hurrying up my pace I seen no sign of her.

(Ada) "What are you doing?" She asked behind me

(Y/n) "What do you know about Leon?" I asked turning around

(Ada) "Why would I tell you? All you need to know is don't trust everyone. Leon has secrets himself." She rolled her eyes

(Y/n) "Such as?"

(Ada) "Not my place to tell you." She waved her hand and left

I walked back to Leon. Some zombies reached out of their cells towards me. Their groaning was really loud which made the hair on my skin stand up.

(Leon) "Are you okay?" Leon grabbed my hand pulling me away from the zombies

(Y/n) "Sorry, I was looking for Ada." I smiled slightly at him

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