Chapter 2: Rookie

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Y/n pov

(Leon) "Does anyone know what started this?"

(Marvin) "Not a clue. But all you need to know is this place will eat you alive if you aren't careful." He looked at Leon than me

(Leon) "I was supposed to start last week but was called to stay away longer. Wish I'd come sooner" Leon explained

(Y/n) "Wait so you haven't even-" Marvin cut me off

(Marvin) "You're here now that all that matters now."

(Leon) "I'm ready lieutenant." Leon walked closer to Marvin

(Marvin) "I hope you can find a way out of this station." Marvin sighed

Me and Leon looked at each other. If he has to say that, it's going to be difficult. Leon quickly turned back towards Marvin.

(Marvin) "The officer you met earlier, Elliott, thought there was a secret passage right there." Marvin pointed on a map

(Leon) "We can get you to a hospital." Leon sounded hopeful

(Marvin) "No Leon, the civilian is the priority here not me. You protect them and get them out of here." Marvin said strictly

(Leon) "I can't just leave you here."

(Marvin) "I'm giving you an order rookie! Save yourselves first." He glared at me

Marvin knew Leon wouldn't listen. Only if it was an order. But Leon's big heart still won't let him leave Marvin behind. That glare was to tell me to take care of Leon. Don't let him beat himself up more than he already is.

(Marvin) "I will slow you both down. Don't make the same mistake as me. Uniform or not take that thing down, do not hesitate. Take it out or run, you got that?" He stared into Leon's eyes

(Leon) "Yes sir."

(Marvin) "Take this." He handed me a knife

(Y/n) "Stay safe Marvin." I took the knife

I felt terrible leaving him behind. He's already helped me and Leon so much. Marvin started grunting out in pain as he leaned back in his chair. I knew even if we tried to save him, he wouldn't make it. Those monsters already got him good.

(Leon) "Found some bandages let me patch you up." He looked at me

(Y/n) "Leon..." I walked towards him

(Leon) "Yeah?" He tilted his head taking one of my hands into his to wrap it up

(Y/n) "You're blaming yourself, aren't you?" I asked

(Leon) "No, I wish I could've saved them. But that's the thing about being a police officer. You can't save everyone." He sighed

(Y/n) "Must be terrible for so much to go wrong on your first day here."

(Leon) "Not how I imagined my first day." He chuckled

(Y/n) "Lots went wrong when I started my job." I laughed and he started bandaging my other hand

(Leon) "Oh really?" He asked

(Y/n) "Almost got fired for it." I smiled thinking about it

(Leon) "In my situation, I can't be fired because they have nobody else." He rolled his eyes

Once my hands were bandaged we started looking around for medallions to open the passage. I'm glad I have a knife now, I feel less useless. If Leon actually gets into danger I'll be able to help.

Time skip

We wandered around for a while. My feet have been hurting for a good amount of time. I must've been slowing down because Leon finally noticed.

(Leon) "You okay?" He asked concerned

(Y/n) "Yeah, just tired."

(Leon) "I can carry you." He turned around

(Y/n) "No! I'm fine. Who will protect us if you're busy carrying me?" I asked

(Leon) "I can multitask."

(Y/n) "Well I found out something else you're good at already." I smiled

Randomly Leon carried me bridal style. My arms wrapped around his neck tightly for dear life. My head laid against his chest hearing his heartbeat go rapidly. His scent was really nice. It reminded me of the early mornings. Cologne and a hint of citrus.

He held me until we made it all the way back to Marvin. I hadn't realized he was going back for Marvin until we stood in front of him. Leon... Marvin doesn't want to hurt you but he knows he can't come.

(Leon) "Lieutenant, it's time to go." Leon gave me the medallions to put in.

(Leon) "Marvin." I heard Marvin sit up and grunt, but it wasn't out of pain.

(Marvin) "Save yourself."

(Leon) "We can still get you to the hospital."

I turned around and realized Marvin was pointing his gun at me. I knew I messed up but expect this! My eyes looked at Leon his staring back into mine.

(Marvin) "We can't let this thing spread. Go!" He yelled

Leon walked towards me and grabbed my hand pulling us into the secret passageway. The door closed behind us making our only exit forwards.

(Leon) "I won't let you down Marvin." Leon mumbled to himself


817 words

Guys I'm sorry there isn't much romance yet. Soon there should be more. I hope you're enjoying!

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