Chapter 7: Wounds

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Leon's pov

Ada was talking on her radio for a moment. She took a glance at me and Y/n. I could tell she was being judgmental.

(Ada) "Are you coming with?" She crossed her arms

(Leon) "Of course not! Y/n will be defenseless if someone doesn't stay behind." I scoffed

(Ada) "You're letting her slow you down."

(Leon) "Does it look like I care?" I looked away from Ada

(Ada) "You really care about her, you barely know her!"

(Leon) "I know you less than her!" She was getting on my nerves

Ada looked at us for a moment, her gaze harsh on Y/n. Finally she left after Annette, even though she'd be long gone. Y/n's eyes were closed and her breathing a bit unstable. I pulled her to sit up against the wall. Then I sat next to her closing my eyes with my gun in my hands in case I heard anything.

Time skip

Y/n's pov

Slowly opening my eyes I looked at my surroundings. Nothing was nearby besides Leon beside me. His eyes were closed his breathing slow. Was he asleep? I decided to admire his features for a moment. His dirty blonde hair was messy but cute. His face had dirt on it but he still looked handsome.

(Leon) "Did you think I was asleep?" He opened his eyes looking into mine

(Y/n) "Shouldn't be sleeping on the job Kennedy." I laughed

(Leon) "Says the one who was fully passed out."

(Y/n) "This isn't my job, you dragged me along." Though I don't mind being with you

(Leon) "If I was asleep you shouldn't be staring, it's rude." He chuckled

(Y/n) "Don't act like it bothered you." I rolled my eyes

Leon stood up holding his hands out to me. I grabbed onto them and he pulled me up. Pain surged through my leg making me grip his hands tightly.

(Leon) "Are you okay?" He seemed concerned

(Y/n) "How many times will you ask in one night?" I replied

(Leon) "Just doing my job."

We went the way Ada must've went. Walking for a bit we came across three ways we could go.

(Leon) "Ada must've gone this way." Leon pointed straight gun shells were on the floor and her coat

(Y/n) "I go this way you go the opposite." I pointed to the left

(Leon) "We aren't staying together?"

(Y/n) "No, we have to find Annette and Ada might not have found her."

(Leon) "But you're injured." He bit his lip

(Y/n) "Leon I have a gun and knife. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. Plus everyone knows right is actually the bad way to go so you'll have a hard time." I smiled slightly

(Leon) "So now you want me dead!" He seemed offended

(Y/n) "You'll be fine." I held his hand

(Leon) "I'm more worried about you..." He looked at our hands

(Y/n) "Don't make me be like Ada and knock some sense into you. I'll see you soon Leon."

I let go of his hand going towards the left. For some reason the air got colder the further away I made it. Leon was the only thing I thought about until I heard groans. I shot a zombie in front of me. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind me. Panic rised throughout my body I struggled in it's grasp. Teeth sunk into my arm and tears fell from my eyes. I really just let that happen. Somebody shot the zombie in the head.

(Annette) "Seems like you need help."

(Y/n) "Don't come near me..." I stepped away from her

Ada's words rung through my head. Annette is dangerous, why did I come alone? She walked towards me until I was backed into a corner.

(Y/n) "Leon!" I screamed

(Annette) "I'd be surprised if he heard you this far away."

She shoved a needle into my neck. What did she inject me with? My eyes locked with hers, no emotions in her eyes.

(Annette) "Don't worry, if this works you'll be fine. Take this as you being a test subject, if you survive your whole life will be you getting tested." She laughed and walked away

I heard footsteps running towards me. If he sees the bite he'll be broken. I tore off some of my shirt wrapping it around the bite.

(Leon) "I heard you scream." He stood in front of me

(Y/n) "Sorry, got ambushed by zombies. But I got lucky and lost them." I lied

(Leon) "You scared me, thought something bad happened to you." He sighed

He grabbed my hand and he decided that we should go after Ada. We entered an elevator and went up a floor. After my scream Leon has been protective. I feel bad for lying but I couldn't bring myself to tell the truth. Eventually Leon pulled a lever opening a secured door. It lead into a place full of garbage.

(Leon) "Ada!?" He looked around

(Ada) "Over here!" She yelled

(Leon) "I was getting worried for a second." He chuckled

(Ada) "I can't get it out."

I looked down at her leg and seen a pole in it. Definitely looked like it hurt.

(Leon) "I don't know if I should-"

(Ada) "Just do it, I can't walk like this." She rolled her eyes

Leon looked like he was hesitating. His hands shook slightly grabbing the pole. I pushed him aside and pulled it out of her leg no hesitation.

(Leon) "Hold on." He pulled out some gauze

(Ada) "I can do it myself."

(Leon) "So what do we do now?" He started wrapping her wound

(Ada) "Get yourselves out of here while you still can."

(Leon) "I'm not going to leave you especially not like this."

(Ada) "The situation is worse than I thought. Get out of here." She sternly said

(Leon) "You protected me, now I'm doing the favor back."

(Ada) "Didn't realize we were keeping score." She quoted him from earlier

(Leon) "Grab my shoulder." He helped her up

(Ada) "Don't push it rookie."


1022 words

This story is coming to an end soon. They're will be a second book but might be a bit since I'm going on vacation and waiting for this book to gain more people. Thank you for reading and voting!

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