Chapter 9: Virus

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Y/n's pov

We left the cafeteria into the hallway. Leon pressed his wrist onto the reader and the doors opened. We're getting closer to our goal. Leon searched a dead body while we waited for the bridge to form.

(Leon) "The G-virus is in the west wing."

(Y/n) "Really helps us, we totally know where we're going." I sarcastically replied

(Leon) "I have a map. You're the only one that's lost."

We walked across the bridge and there was two scanners. One of them meant we had to upgrade our band, of course the way we actually needed to go. Leon scanned the wristband forming another bridge. We walked across opening the door. Things were piled up in front of a door. Pipe had also busted which created bugs in the area.

(Y/n) "This already doesn't seem like a pleasant place."

(Leon) "Everywhere we've been hasn't been pleasant." He rolled his eyes

(Y/n) "Hopefully when this is over we can live pleasant lives."

(Leon) "We? I plan to continue my job, which isn't very pleasant." He chuckled

(Y/n) "Seems like you'll have a busy life Leon Kennedy." I smiled

(Leon) "You really like saying my name don't you?" He laughed

(Y/n) "Has a ring to it." I shrugged

Moving forward we made it into a room. More like a lab. Vines were hanging everywhere. I grabbed onto Leon's vest, I have a bad feeling. Groaning could be heard nearby. From the corner of my eye I seen the zombie. It looked different than the rest. Deadlier. It took a few more shots than the others before it was dead fully.

(Leon) "I hope when this is over I'll never see zombies again." He sighed

(Y/n) "I have a feeling that we'll both see zombies again."

(Leon) "Great you've already jinxed us." He chuckled

Further inside there was a map with locked rooms. Leon inputted a few codes and the doors unlocked. Next to it was also a solution, label said it was for the greenhouse. The next room is the greenhouse. Everything so overgrown that it was difficult to see things. We found a ladder and climbed down. This place is infested with zombies. We found a few papers telling us about the virus turning people. Leon found something on the wall, once he pulled the lever it turned the power on.

(Y/n) "Creepy even with the lights on."

(Leon) "Definitely less, my flashlight provided almost no light!" He chuckled

We went back up the ladder and inserted the vine solution into a machine. A dead body fell and an upgrade to our wristband fell with.

(Leon) "Seems like that did the trick."

Leon walked and grabbed the upgrade. Afterwards we went to the beginning scanner. He scanned his wrist to open the other side.

(Leon) "This should be the way we need to go." He crossed the bridge

(Y/n) "Since this is almost over, where do you think you'll move to?"

(Leon) "I have no clue. Far away from here I imagine. Where will you?" He asked

(Y/n) "Maybe with a friend." I shrugged

(Leon) "Wow after all of this we aren't friends." He put his hand over his heart like he was offended

(Y/n) "Let's be honest Leon, after all of this we're only friends because of trauma-bonding. Hopefully we can actually get to know each other after." He nodded in response

Leon pulled another switch in the wall to turn power on. We traveled further inside the place. There was a small vial on a table.

(Y/n) "Well that was easy."

(Leon) "Now back to Ada."

(Intercom) "Unauthorized removal of level 4 virus detected. Facility lockdown initiated. Self destruct sequence will begin when lockdown is complete."

(Leon) "You just had to say that out loud..." He laughed

(Y/n) "This is not a time to be laughing! We have to go!"

I grabbed Leon's hand leaving the room. We crossed a bridge heading to where we turned the power on. Suddenly there was a big boom and debris falling on our head.

(Leon) "You again." Leon pointed his gun behind us

(Annette) "Move! He's mine. This has to end."

She shot something at the monster. Seemed like a solution because he thrashed around when it hit him.

(Annette) "This has to end William..." She shot it again and he fell limply to the floor.

(Leon) "Why did you call this thing William?"

(Annette) "This shouldn't of happened. It's all Umbrella's fault."

(Y/n) "You work with Umbrella. You saying you weren't involved?" I asked

(Annette) "I was involved but never meant for this to happen."

(Leon) "Then explain everything from the beginning." He tilted his head

(Annette) "He injected himself with the virus." She sighed

(Leon) "So you made this thing?"

(Annette) "We made the G-virus, we didn't intend- you can spin it anyway you want."

(Leon) "You're still just as guilty."

(Y/n) "Guys-"

I took a step back seeing William get back up. Leon and Annette were extremely close to him. William grabbed Annette looked like she was being crushed. She screamed in terror then he threw her to the wall. Blood laid where she hit it.

(Annette) "We can't let him get away!" She had a hand over her ribs

William grew an extra arm. The platform me, Leon, and William were on started lowering. What did she do? Leon jumped off the edge, he left me by myself with this thing!

(Leon) "This ends here."

He began to shoot the eyes on William's legs and arms. I hurried and tried to find a hiding place. I'd like to help but I know Leon would worry about me getting hurt. An explosion went off near me. William stood in it but it didn't effect him at all. Leon set more explosions off. Everytime I jumped worried something would happen. Out of the corner of my eye I seen William tear the wall off and threw it at Leon.

(Y/n) "Leon!" I ran out of cover shooting the monster

I tried to waste time for Leon to get up. My heart was beating fast worried if Leon was seriously injured. Suddenly Williams got and blood sprayed out. Leon got covered in them and I laughed.

(Leon) "Could've given me a warning." He stood up slowly

(Y/n) "That's what you get for scaring me." I wiped the blood from Leon's face


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2 chapters left! I'm upset this book is ending soon. I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am. Thanks for reading and voting!

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