Chapter 8: Found out

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Y/n's pov

(Ada) "If you want to help we have to go to the NEST."

(Y/n) "NEST?"

(Ada) "Umbrella's lab, it's right beneath us. Annette accidentally told me that's where the virus is. You up for this?" She looked at Leon

(Leon) "Think I can fit it into my schedule." He smiled slightly

(Ada) "Come on then, we got work to do."

Ada started leading the way. Even when injured she can still walk surprisingly fast.

(Ada) "The cable car should lead us straight to NEST. Luckily I have the wristband for us to ride."

(Y/n) "Where'd you get it?"

(Ada) "Borrowed it. Anyway we're almost there."

Leon looked into a box trying to find something of use. He must've decided nothing was that great because he grabbed nothing besides some first aid sprays. He opened the door for Ada. Kind of made me jealous, she's rude.

(Ada) "This damn leg..."

(Leon) "I can carry-" She cut him off

(Ada) "No that'd only make me feel worse."

(Ada) "How's your leg Y/n?"

(Y/n) "Looks better than how it feels."

(Ada) "We both got a foot in the grave." She laughed

(Y/n) "Leon your shoulder-" I hadn't realized till now that it was bleeding

(Leon) "I know, I've already wrapped it."

(Y/n) "How did it happen?"

(Leon) "When we separated and you screamed I got reckless and zombie threw an axe right at my shoulder. Even dead they have good aim." He chuckled

(Ada) "That should take us where we need to go."

Ada pressed the wristband against the scanner. The door opened on the cable car and we all walked in. Ada sat down on a seat.

(Leon) "You know what I was thinking. I can't wait for the FBI to raid umbrella headquarters and give those bastards justice." He crossed his arms

(Ada) "I agree...but you're not really in the position to get anything done against Umbrella."

(Ada) "Once we get the G-virus I'm back on my own."

(Ada) "Hey you trust me?"

I sat besides Ada trying to pay no attention to their conversation. My mind thought about the bite. When will I turn and be one of them? Leon sat on the other side of Ada.

(Ada) "Leon look at me. I'm a liability now. If I'm going to finish the case you're my last hope."

(Leon) "I can't leave you alone."

I looked over at them when they went silent. Ada had kissed Leon. She knew how I felt, is that why she's disliked me this whole time? My heart dropped and I felt speechless.

(Ada) "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Her hand laid against his cheek

The cable car came to a stop. I quickly stood up and was the first to leave. Based off their conversation Ada won't come along. That leaves me and Leon alone. Maybe that's why nothing really has happened between us. We've flirted a bit but he might have always felt something different for Ada.

(Leon) "Time to get going." Leon put the wristband on

(Y/n) "Feels like the adventure is coming to an end..." I sighed

(Leon) "You don't seem to happy about it."

Leon pressed the wristband against a reader. Doors started rising out of our way. Is he going to act like nothing happened?

(Leon) "I wonder where the G-virus is." He mumbled

(Y/n) "Leon." I took a deep breath

(Leon) "Yeah?" He tilted his hand

Gosh his habit is so cute. His dirty blonde bangs always falling over his right eye. The way his blue eyes even looked at me, I swear there was something about them. I drowned in them everytime I looked into them. There was also a way they softened when we made eye contact.

(Y/n) "About the kiss with-" he cut me off

(Leon) "Ada might like me in that way. I only see her as a friend that has helped us through this mess. I owe her for saving us. But I have no feelings like that for her."

(Y/n) "That kiss seemed rather long then."

(Leon) "You jealous, Y/n?" He smirked

(Y/n) "Of course not! Let's just get that virus." My cheeks got hot

(Leon) "You're cheeks are-"

(Y/n) "Shut up!" I walked past him

I opened the door and it was so dark I had to squint to see. Leon's flashlight helped slightly. It seems like we're in the cafeteria. Zombies were eating one another. As long as they're not after me I'm happy. Walking to look around one of the zombies grabbed the cloth around my bite. Leon stopped walking and I knew he'd seen it.

(Leon) "How long?" He asked

(Y/n) "I can explain!" I panicked

(Leon) "You've been hiding this from me..."

He took a look at the bite. It was healing, the only things remaining was teeth marks which might go away. He shined the light in my eyes which I squinted in reaction.

(Leon) "Doesn't seem like you're becoming one..." He seemed shocked

(Y/n) "This is why I called for you when we separated. I was bit and Annette injected me with something." I bite my lip

(Leon) "Why didn't you tell me?"

(Y/n) "I was scared Leon! I could've became one of them and if you knew about it, you'd blame yourself!" I sighed

(Leon) "We should tell someone, maybe they can find a cure!"

(Y/n) "I don't want to be a test subject." I smiled faintly

(Leon) "You won't be."

(Y/n) "Even in this situation you have high hopes." I chuckled

(Leon) "Let's find what we need. We'll talk about this after we survive." He pushed my (h/c) hair behind my ears

Leon found a flamethrower and sprayed it at the zombies. They all stopped groaning and fell to the ground.

(Y/n) "Found it!"

I found a chip to connect to the wristband. Leon stood in front of me with his wrist towards me. I attached the chip and the color changed from green to blue.

(Leon) "Time to finally end this."


1029 words

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