Chapter 11: Goodbye for now

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Y/n's pov

*Week later*

Leon Kennedy. A man with very many talents. Saving people, multitasking, fighting, so many others I'd be talking for a day. Appearance can drag anybody into a drunken spell. Dirty blonde hair, bangs covering his gorgeous blue eyes when he tilted his head.

(Leon) "I was offered a new job." He swirled a spoon in his coffee

His deep voice snapped me out of my trance. My eyes widen actually interested in our conversation. We haven't seen each other since the whole thing in Raccoon city. It's only been a week but I swear I really did miss his company.

(Y/n) "Where?" I asked

(Leon) "Out of state." His gaze looked down at his lap

(Y/n) "What job is it?"

(Leon) "I'm not allowed to tell you. But definitely means I'll be busy." He sighed

(Y/n) "If it's something you think you'll enjoy, than go for it." I smiled slightly

My heart dropped knowing he'll be gone. Not even just that but busy, which means we'll possibly never see each other again.

(Leon) "The reason I wanted to meet up was to make sure you'll be okay..." He looked into my eyes

(Y/n) "I'll be fine. Plus I'm moving in with my friend Ashley. So I won't be lonely-" I went on trying to convince myself I'll be fine.

(Leon) "That's not what I meant. I mean about the..." He looked at my arm mentioning the bite

(Y/n) "It's fully healed."

(Leon) "It stays between us. Nobody needs to know about it. But if someone finds out, I can't ensure that if they ask me about what happened I won't lie."

(Y/n) "Leon if someone figures out I could be tested on the rest of my life!" I whispered yelled

(Leon) "That's why we don't tell anyone, yet."

(Y/n) "When do you leave?"

(Leon) "An hour."

I widened my eyes at his response. When he said leaving I didn't expect this soon. I'll really miss him.

(Y/n) "Don't you think it's getting risky of being late?"

(Leon) "You're worth it." He smiled taking a sip of his coffee

(Y/n) "Will we see each other again?" I blurted it out

(Leon) "I certainly hope so, Y/n."

(Y/n) "I want you to stay Leon..."

(Leon) "I know. But this is better for both of us. You get to live a normal life-"

(Y/n) "I want to be with you Leon." I sighed

(Leon) "Y/n, I could've brought you with. But trust me, you want a normal life. That's what I want but after Raccoon city I have to continue helping people."

(Y/n) "I love you, Leon."

I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the silence or rejection. The silence killed me so I opened them again looking into his eyes. Those ocean blue eyes held admiration. Love. They were so soft and he had the biggest smile I've seen from him.

(Leon) "I love you too, Y/n."

He started pouring his coffee into a to-go cup. My cheeks felt hot staring at him in a shock. I hadn't expected him to feel the same. This man, way too good for me, actually felt feelings for me. His eyes made their way back to me. I could see his lips curve into a smirk.

(Leon) "Like what you're looking at?"

(Y/n) "Just admiring a man named Leon Kennedy."

Leon stood up grabbing his cup of coffee. He bent down and kissed my cheek. They automatically grew pink again after his gesture. Leon bent back up starting to walk out of the cafè. This isn't how I want to end this. I never want to end this but if I have to, I prefer a different way. Standing up I quickly walked after him. He stood outside his car tilting his head looking at me. Walking in front of him I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing his sweet lips. His hands rested on my waist kissing back. My fingers tangled themselves in his hair. He pulled away from the kiss smiling.

(Leon) "I'll see you again, Y/n." He pushed my hair behind my ears

(Y/n) "Goodbye for now, Leon Kennedy." I chuckled admiring his appearance


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That's the end of this book! Next book (follows this storyline) will be out in a few weeks. I know a long time, but I'll be on vacation. How did you like the book? Thank you everyone for reading and voting. Hope you read the next book!

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