Chapter 5: Goodbye police station

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Y/n pov
(I'm gonna use the pronouns she/her for Y/n, if prefer something different than change it also (e/c) is eye color and (h/c) is hair color)

I waited for Leon to arrive. Stood by the door just like I was told. The knife in my hand was shaking slightly. Everytime I breathed when I exhaled the air was unstable.

The door opened quickly which made me stick my arms out in front to protect myself. I smiled when I seen Leon run into the room. But it quickly fades when he was raised in the air by the muscular man.

(Y/n) "Leon!" I called out

Leon struggled in the mans arms. His face turnin red due to the pooling of blood. I began to run to him adrenaline pumping through my veins. I stabbed the thing in its leg, it didn't even pay attention to me. Headlights shined brightly into my eyes. I looked over and a car with S.W.A.T on the side was moving towards us. Pulling my knife out I dodged out of the way.

(Y/n) "What the hell?" I screamed at the driver

(Ada) "Did you want pretty boy to die?" She asked

(Leon) "Ada?" His voice was strained as he held his throat

(Ada) "This is getting old, saving you both this is twice!" She left the van and walked away from us

(Leon) "Didn't realize we were keeping track." He stood up walking after her

(Ada) "This isn't a game! I'm warning you and you guys won't listen."

(Y/n) "You've got to be kidding me..." I looked at the monster Ada ran over, he was still moving.

(Ada) "Nothing dies down here." She sighed and pressed a button which exploded the van.

(Ada) "You have the key card." She pointed to the garage door

(Leon) "Yeah and this." He threw her the audio tape

Why would he do that? We could've used that after this thing is over. Put it out in the public to know the real Umbrella.

(Leon) "I was hoping you could tell us about it." He explained

(Ada) "Maybe after I hear it."

(Y/n) " actually haven't heard it?"

(Ada) "Obviously not. He was locked in a jail cell and died before I got information." She sighed and pressed play

Leon inserted the key card for it to be read. The shutters began to open and fresh cool air finally flowed into my nose.

(Y/n) "Are you okay?" I asked Leon while Ada walked ahead

(Leon) "Probably going to have a bruise. Other than that perfectly fine." He smiled slightly

(Y/n) "Leon I'm sorry about earlier. I trust you, with my life."

(Leon) "It's alright, in this situation I don't blame you for questioning things. Just don't do it again." He playfully bumped his arm into mine

I smiled and bumped mine against his. My hand brushed against his hand, I never realized his hand was rough with callouses yet warm and calming. His eyes looked into my (e/c) eyes and his eyes softened. Something in his eyes showed an emotion that I couldn't tell what it was. My hair blew int the wind and some strands hit my face. Leon brushed the pieces behind my ears and I felt my cheeks get hot.

(Ada) "Love birds I have news." She sounded sassy

(Leon) "Did you get the information you needed?"

(Ada) "Unfortunately no, Ben didn't come through." She sighed

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