You're My Favorite

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I woke up to the sun in my face and a light knocking on the door.

"________________, are you awake?" I heard Wally's voice from the other side. I sat up and stretched.

"I am now." I let out a small laugh. Wally slowly opened the door.

"I'm sorry if I woke you. I made breakfast." He came in with a tray. He made pancakes with a side of juice. I fully sat up, taking the tray from his hands.

"Thank you, Wally. You didn't have to do this." He smiled.

"It's no trouble at all. Oh, let me go get you some syrup." He made his way back into the kitchen. The food smelt absolutely amazing.

He came in with a bottle of syrup, placing it on the tray next to my plate.

"Are you gonna eat?" I began pouring syrup over my pancakes. He shook his head.

"Oh, I already ate, but thank you for the consideration. What are your plans for today?" I shrugged.

"I'm not sure. What about you?" I took a bite of my pancakes. 

These are amazing!

He shrugged as well.

"I'm not too sure either. I might paint, I might go visit some friends." I perked up.

"That's right, you paint! I always loved watching you paint. Growing up, I'd always try to copy your paintings." His cheeks lit up a bright orange as his smile grew.

"I'm so glad you like my paintings. Maybe we can paint together sometime." I nodded, taking another bite of my pancakes. 

"So, where will I stay while I'm here? I don't want to take up your bed." He chuckled.

"I don't mind at all, but if you're that concerned we can find you a place to stay for as long as you're here."

I finished my pancakes and juice. Wally stood up, taking the empty dishes from my lap.

"Let me put these away for you, then we can get the day started." He smiled at me before leaving the room.

I got up from the bed, looking down at my clothes. 

Still in these colorful clothes. How did I even get into these?

Wally came back in, seeing me examine my clothes.

"I like your outfit." He smiled, trying to comfort me. I smiled back at him.

"Thank you, Wally." I made my way to the door. Wally stepped out of the way, allowing me out first.

We both made our way to the living room. Wally turned to me.

"Would you care to explore the neighborhood? I can show you around." He smiled. I nodded.

"That would be great, thank you!" We made our way out of Wally's home and out to the street. Everything seemed so colorful and bright. 

I looked around at all the houses, they were all designed to fit the people who lived in them. 

We made our way to the Post Office. Wally held the door open for me, and I thanked him as I walked in. Eddie was standing behind the counter.

"Wally! _____________! What a surprise! What brings you two in here?" I smiled and Wally spoke up.

"Oh, just showing ______________ around town! Any mail today?" Eddie dug around in a few boxes before pulling out a few letters and handing them to Wally.

"Some more fan mail! Gee, you sure are Popular Wally!" Wally looked at the letters.

"Hah... Hah... Hah... It appears so!" 

It seems like he still hasn't learned to laugh properly. I still remember that episode where Barnaby had to teach him how to laugh. It was cute.

Wally turned to me. 

"Let's drop these off back at my place, then we can continue our adventure." I nodded.

We waved goodbye to Eddie and made our way back to Wally's house. He opened the door, allowing me in first.

He placed the letters on the counter, turning to me. 

"Are you ready?" I shrugged. 

"I actually wanted to ask you something." He smiled.

"Ask away." I smiled back at him.

"Have you ever gotten my fan mail? I used to send it in all the time watching your show." Wally perked up, nodding.

"Of course! Your letters were my favorite!" He went over to the drawer in his kitchen, pulling out a pile of letters. I smiled at him.

"So... You recognized me?" I tilted my head a bit. He froze up before relaxing once more.

"Ah, yes. I didn't want to startle you, though. I do remember you. I always looked forward to your letters." All the letters he laid on the counter were carefully opened. He pulled out a letter and began reading it.

"Dear Wally, hi! I'm _________________. I really really love your show, and you're my favorite! I love you!" I felt my whole face turn bright red. Wally let out a small laugh.

"I love rereading that one from time to time. Oh, how I missed your letters." I sighed.

"I'm sorry I stopped writing to you." He looked at me with a sympathetic smile.

"Ah, don't be. You grew up, as we all do." I made my way over to him.

"You're still my favorite, Wally." I reached over and hugged him. I felt his body go limp. I quickly pulled back.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I should've asked-" He shook his head.

"Don't apologize, I just get embarrassed easily, and I'm not very good at hugs. I do enjoy them though." He smiled, his cheeks turning that bright orange again.

I leaned over and hugged him once again. I felt his arms slowly reach up and gently wrap around my waist. 

"You're my favorite too, ______________." 

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