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I made it back to Wally's house and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps make their way to the door before it opened. There stood Wally, a big smile on his face.

"_______________! Perfect timing! Come see your bed!" He grabbed my hand and led me inside. He led me over to his bedroom, there sat his bed on one side of the room, and my bed on the other. 

It's my favorite color!

Wally smiled. 

"I hope you like it!" I felt him gently squeeze my hand. I smiled, letting go of his hand and leaning over to hug him. I felt him gently hug me back. 

"I love it! Thank you guys!" I made my way over to Barnaby and gave him a hug as well. I turned back to Wally and noticed his face in a slight scrunch, but he quickly changed it back to a smile. Barnaby spoke up. 

"We built it in here and were gonna move it out to the living room, but after it was built we realized it wouldn't fit through the door. I hope you don't mind sharing a room." He let out a chuckle. I shook my head.

"I don't mind at all. Thank you guys again so much, I really appreciate this so much!" Barnaby cleaned up his tools, said his goodbyes, and made his way home. Wally shut the door behind Barnaby, turning to me. 

"I'm really glad you like your bed. I'm also very glad you don't mind sharing a room, otherwise we'd have to take apart the whole bed." He let out a tired sigh. I smiled. 

"I really appreciate you, Wally. Thank you for letting me stay here, and for making me feel welcome and comfortable." He blushed, nodding. 

I went to the bathroom to change into my pajamas. I came out and Wally was in his as well. I yawned, rubbing my eyes. 

"I think I'm going to go to bed early, I'm pretty tired." Wally nodded. 

"I think I'll do the same." We both got into our beds, said our goodnights, and slowly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up with a sinking feeling in my stomach. 

I feel like I'm being watched.

I slowly opened my eyes and gasped. There was a pair of eyes with large dilated pupils staring back at me. 

I closed my eyes tight and screamed.

I stopped screaming when I felt a someone sit on my bed, and a hand on my back. I opened my eyes to see a nervous looking Wally.

"________________, are you okay?! What happened?" I could hear the panic in his voice. I was hyperventilating. 

I sat up, pulling him into a tight hug. I felt him hug back, tighter than usual. 

I told him what I saw, and he began to rub my back. 

"It sounds like a terrible dream." He sounded sympathetic. I shook my head. 

"No, I was awake for this." I felt myself begin to shake. he rested his head on my shoulder, still hugging me and rubbing my back. 

"I believe you. I'm sorry you saw that." I leaned into him. 

He's so comforting.

He pulled back.

"Do you want to watch some TV? It may help you fall back asleep." I nodded. He gently took my hand and helped me out of bed. He led me to the living room.

I sat down on the couch, and he ran back into the bedroom, grabbing his blanket and making his way back out. He sat down, draping the blanket over us. 

He turned on the TV, and flipped through the channels before landing on a colorful cartoon. 

I leaned into him, and I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders. 

I felt myself begin to drift off to sleep. Before I fell asleep, I felt Wally get up off the couch. I felt his arms slide under my legs and back, and he carefully picked me up. 

I opened my eyes, looking up at him. 

"Wally, you didn't have to carry me back to bed. You could've woke me up." His face was bright orange. 

"Hah... Well, You seemed very tired. I don't mind helping." He carried to my bed, gently placing me in my bed. He put my blanket over me.

"Goodnight, ______________. Sleep well." He made his way back out of the bedroom, closing the bedroom door behind him. 

I feel bad, I think I woke him up. He didn't even go back to bed. 

I yawned, rolling onto my side. I closed my eyes.

I'm so exhausted. 

I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep.


I woke up to the bedroom door opening. I opened my eyes to see Wally coming back in, carrying his blanket. He climbed into bed, covering himself with his blanket. 

"Goodnight, Wally.." I said, cuddling back into bed. Wally turned to look at me. 

"Goodnight, ________________." 

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