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"How can you love me? You don't know me." He moved slightly away from me, a confused look on his face. I shook my head. 

"But I do, Wally... Don't you remember any of the times we spent together?" He shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but no. I don't remember anything." I thought for a moment. 

"Check your pockets." He looked at me confused.

 "Excuse me?" I sighed. 

"Check your pockets, please. You should have my spare house key." He rummaged through his pockets and pulled out the key, looking at it in confusion. 

He gently placed the key in my hand. 

"I'm sorry, but I don't want this. I don't know you. Can you please leave me alone now? I'd like to be with Home." I looked at him, tears flowing down my cheeks. 

"Wally, please..." He turned away from me, not saying another word. I got up and made my way back to my house, sobbing. 

I can't believe he doesn't remember me. He doesn't even want to try to remember me!

I sobbed all the way home, running inside and slamming the door shut. I ran to my room, collapsing on my bed and sobbing into the pillow. 

The pillow still smells like him... I can't believe just a few days ago we were cuddled up in bed telling each other we loved each other, and now... Now he doesn't remember me... 

I heard a knock on the door. I wiped my tears and got up, making my way to the door. 

I opened it and there stood Julie. 

"I figured you'd be here. How are you holding up?" I felt myself begin to cry again. I couldn't get a word out. Julie quickly pulled me into a hug. 

"I don't know what to do, Julie... I love him so much..." She rubbed my back. 

"Barnaby is talking to him now. I'm sure we'll find a way to fix this." I sat there and hugged her, not knowing what else to do. 

"Thanks Julie... I think I'd like to be alone for a bit if that's okay..." She nodded, giving me one last hug before leaving. 

I looked up at the wall above the TV and saw the heart Wally made for me. 

'I love you! Now doesn't that just make your day!'

I sighed, my breath shaky.

I miss him so much. 

I heard another knock on my door. I sighed and got up. I opened the door. 

"Julie, I'd REALLY like to be alone..." I looked up and saw Wally. He stood there, orange in the face. 


"Hello.." I invited him inside. 

I shut the door, and turned to Wally. He cleared his throat. 

"Barnaby filled me in... On a lot... It was more than what I thought... And maybe I jumped the gun on this one... And I came over to apologize." I looked at him confused. 

"Apologize? For what?" He sighed. 

"Everything. From my understanding, you had to burn Home because they were possessing my... Our friends... And myself. What you did saved this neighborhood... And I owe you for that." 

I sighed, feeling tears prick the corners of my eyes. 

"You don't owe me anything, Wally. Getting to know you was all I needed... I'm sorry you don't remember it."

He turned and looked at the wall, noticing the heart. 

"Did you make this?" He walked over to it, seemingly admiring it. I shook my head.

"You actually made it for me." He turned to me, a sympathetic look on his face. 

"I'm sorry I don't remember." I shook my head.

 "Don't apologize." He thought for a moment. 

"What if we tried again?" I looked at him in shock. 

"What?" He shook his head. 

"I don't mean dating... No offense, but I don't know you. I mean what if we tried to get to know each other again." I smiled. 

"I'd really like that, Wally."

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