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I looked at Wally in horror, tears rolled down my face. He looked at me confused. 

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" He looked at everyone else, who had the same look of horror on their faces. 

"Don't you... Remember them?" Barnaby spoke, placing his hand on Wally's shoulder. Wally looked at me, thinking. He then shook his head.

 "No, I can't say I do. I apologize." I got up, running out of Barnaby's house.

I can't be around him right now. Oh my god, he doesn't remember me!

I ran to the side of the house, leaning against it. I slid down, pulling my knees to my chest and sobbing. 

I can't believe he doesn't remember me. How? How could he not remember? 

"______________?" I turned to see Eddie followed me out. 

I sniffled, trying to wipe my tears away. Eddie bent down, hugging me tightly. 

"_______________, I don't know what's going on with Wally, but I'm sure he'll remember you sooner or later." I hugged him back, crying into his shoulder. I looked up and saw Howdy. 

"Hey, ____________..." He bent down, hugging me as well. They both stood up, helping me to my feet. 

"Wally wants to talk to you..." Howdy said rather quietly. I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes. We all made our way inside. Wally was standing up, talking with everyone. 

He turned to me, making his way over to me. 

"_____________, was it? I apologize for not remembering you... But from what the others have told me, you and I were rather... close." I nodded. 

He smiled warmly at me.

"Well, let's get to know each other. I'll introduce you to Home!" I froze.

Did nobody tell him?

He looked at me confused, then turned to everyone else who also had looks of fear on their faces.

 "Why does everyone look so... afraid?" Barnaby walked up to Wally. 

"Hey, buddy... Let's go outside and talk for a minute..." Barnaby led Wally outside, shutting the door behind him. I turned to everyone. 

"What's Wally going to say when he realizes Home is gone? How does he not remember anything?" They all shrugged. 

"Maybe it had something to do with him being possessed." Frank spoke up. 

Could that be it? 

"WHAT?!" We all heard Wally outside. We turned to the door. Wally came bursting in, and ran right up to me and got in my face. 

"YOU!! You... You.." He trailed off as he started sobbing. Barnaby came running in behind him, pulling him away from me. 

"Buddy, they had to! Home was possessing you!" Wally turned to Barnaby, still yelling. 

"Home was PROTECTING me! And you allowed this... THEM... to destroy Home... MY Home!" He sobbed, leaning into Barnaby's chest.

Barnaby hugged him tightly, trying to convince him it was for the better. Unfortunately, Wally didn't want to hear it. 

He turned to me, eyes bloodshot red and tears streaming down his face. 

"You are not welcome in this neighborhood!" He screamed. 

Poppy stepped over, wrapping her wings around me. 

"Now listen here, Wally... They have done nothing but protect you! Don't talk to them that way!" Wally snapped at her too. 

"Protect me? They burned Home to the ground! My Home is gone!" Frank stepped forward.

"It's not like they had a choice, Wally. Home was going to kill you. It was going to kill all of us." Everyone stepped up next to me, nodding. 

Wally looked at everyone, still crying. 

"You're all taking their side? After everything?" Wally stormed out, slamming the door behind him. 

Barnaby turned to us.

"I've never seen him like this... This really worries me." Everyone nodded.

 I just sat there, starring at the door. I felt the hears roll down my face.

Not only does he not remember me... He absolutely hates me.

I fell to my knees, holding my face in my hands. I felt a hand on my back. I looked up to see Sally. 

"Hey, we'll talk to him. I'm sure his memories will come back..."

"Hopefully..." Julie said quietly.

I looked to Barnaby.

"Should I try talking to him?" Barnaby shrugged. 

"If you want, but don't expect anything." I nodded. 

I slowly got up, making my way out of the house. I heard everyone start talking as soon as I closed the door.

I made my way down the street and over to where Home used to be. There I saw Wally on his knees, sobbing. I walked up behind him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He turned to me, then quickly looked away. 

"Leave me alone." He said very sternly. I knelt down beside him. 

"Wally... You don't remember anything? Anything at all?" He looked to me, tears stained his cheeks. 

"No, and frankly seeing what you've done to Home, I'm glad I don't remember you."

I removed my hand from his shoulder and began to sob. He looked at me in anger, but it quickly changed to a sympathetic look. 

"Tell me something." He said, turning to me. I nodded. 

"Why did you do this? I mean why did you REALLY do this?" He gestured to Home's ashes. 

"You were possessed, and so was everyone else. Home was going to kill you all... and me... I wanted to save you.." Wally looked at me confused. 

"But why? Why come into our neighborhood and try to save us? Save me...?" I couldn't stop crying. 

"Because Wally... I love you..." 

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