Moving Out

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A few weeks past and nothing has gotten better with Home. In fact, things have only gotten worse.

Wally has become more exhausted, and he always had cuts or some other injury on him. 

I did everything I could to talk to Wally, but he never wanted to hear it. He always wanted to change the subject, and if I kept pushing it was almost like he became possessed and immediately dropped the conversation. 

I was out doing some shopping at Howdy's place when Barnaby approached me. 

"Oh, hey Barnaby! What brings you around here?" He seemed almost sad. 

"We got a surprise for ya! Come outside when you're done!" He walked outside. 

A surprise, huh?

I quickly purchased my things and said goodbye to Howdy. I made my way outside and saw Barnaby and Wally. 

"Oh, hey Wally! What's the surprise?" They led me down the street and up the same grassy hill I met Wally on. Only, there was now a small _____________ house on the top.

I turned to them in confusion. 

"What's this?" Wally looked sad, but quickly put on a smile. 

"Since you've become a permanent resident of the neighborhood, we decided you should have your own home!" I turned to look at the house again. 

So... Wally doesn't want me to live with him anymore?

I put on a fake smile and went over and hugged them both.

"Thank you guys so much! When did you have the time to build all this?" Barnaby spoke up.

"Ahaha, that's mostly cause of me! Wally asked me to help him build a small house for ya, so I got started practically immediately and worked through some nights." I gave him an extra hug. 

"Thank you!" Barnaby handed me the keys. I quickly opened the door and made my way inside, Wally and Barnaby following behind. The home already had furniture. 

A cute couch and a TV in the living room, along side a nice lounge chair. I made my way into the kitchen and noticed a fridge full of food. There was also plates, cups, and silverware in the drawers. I made my way into the bedroom and noticed my bed. 

They did take it apart and brought it here.

I felt like I was going to cry. 

This was so nice.. But... Why did Wally want me out of his home?

I turned to them and thanked them again. 

We talked for a bit before Barnaby said his goodbyes and made his way back home. 

I turned to Wally. He had tears streaming down his face. I quickly made my way over to him, pulling him into a hug. 

"Wally? What's wrong?" He sniffled. 

"I didn't want you to leave... I'm sorry..." I sighed, hugging him tighter. 

"It's okay, Wally... I'm not mad at you. Hey, we can still have sleepovers!" He wiped his tears away and smiled. He nodded. 

"I would love a sleepover." 

Wally said his goodbyes and left. I turned to my empty home. 

Well, I guess this is it. 

I made my way to the couch, turning on the TV. I felt tears rolling down my face. I quickly wiped them.

"Why am I crying? It's not like I was WITH Wally.. He was a friend... He IS my friend.." I sat there crying for a bit before hearing a knock on the door. 

I quickly wiped my tears and got up, making my way to the door. I quickly opened it and saw Frank. He had a fruit basket. 

"Oh, Frank! What a surprise! Come in!" He smiled, making his way in. I shut the door behind him. He placed the fruit basket on the counter. 

"The perfect house warming gift!" He smiled. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." Frank stopped, looking at me with confusion. 

"Have you been crying?" I shrugged. 

"A bit, but I'll be okay." Frank ushered me to the couch, sitting down next to me. 

"What's troubling you? Don't you like the new house?" I nodded. 

"Oh, I love it! I guess I just miss living with Wally already." Frank smiled. 

"Ah, I forgot how close you to have become. Did you tell him that?" I shook my head.

"No, I couldn't. He started crying and saying he was sorry if it seemed like he didn't want me to live with him, I didn't want to add more guilt." Frank nodded.

"I understand. Have you told him your feelings for him?" I felt my face heat up and I quickly shook my head. 

"No, of course not!" Frank laughed. 

"Any reason why?" I shrugged.

"What if he doesn't feel the same way?" Frank looked at me with a sympathetic look. 

"Let me tell you something... I'm not the friendliest neighbor in the neighborhood." I laughed a bit. 

"I can tell." He gave me a dirty look before continuing. 

"Despite that, Eddie still took a chance and wrote me a letter confessing his feelings for me. He didn't think I felt the same either, but now look at us, happily married. My point being take a chance." I looked at him and felt tears run down my face. Frank panicked a bit. 

"Oh, _____________, I didn't mean to make you cry!" I shook my head, wiping my tears away. 

"I'm fine, thank you, Frank. I'll think about it." He smiled. 

Frank and I talked for a bit before he left. I shut the door behind him, turning to my empty house. 

I guess I'll turn in for the night.

I made my way to my bedroom and saw my pajamas folded neatly on my night stand with a note resting on top of them. I picked up the note and read it. 

'I hope you love your new home, ______________. I miss you. Please come visit. Love, Wally.' 

I smiled. 

I really do love this man.. 

I stopped at the thought.

I really... do love this man...

I collapsed on my bed, screaming into my pillow. 

"How do I get feelings for a puppet I grew up watching?" 

I sighed. I quickly got my pajamas on and laid down. 

Maybe I'll talk to him tomorrow about all this... 

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