I Love You

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I looked at the letter in horror. 

Did... Did Wally bring me here? 

I quickly jumped up off the couch, not caring about the pain. 

I have to go see him. 

I slowly made my way down the hill and to Wally's. I practically banged on the door. 

I looked up and noticed Home was looking at me. I could feel the anger coming from them. 

Wally opened the door, in his pajamas with his hair down. 

"________________? What are you doing here?" He stepped outside, shutting the door behind him. I held up the card.

"What is this?" He looked at it, then back to me. 

"A card?" I sighed angrily. putting the card in his hands.

"Read it." I said, crossing my arms. He opened it, reading and rereading the card. 

"I... Don't remember writing this." I yanked the card away from him. 

"You're lying! You brought me here!" He began to panic, backing into the door. 

"_______________, I promise you I didn't... I don't remember writing that... Please...!" He reached out, but I smacked his hand away. 

"You took me away from my world and brought me here for god knows what! Asking me if I'm single and all. What kind of sick game is this?" He didn't answer. He just looked at me with fear and sadness in his eyes. I ripped up the card and threw it down at his feet.

"Stay away from me, Wally Darling." I turned and made my way back to my house.

Once I got up the hill, I noticed tears were streaming down my face. I fell to my knees in front of my door and began to sob.

 I can't believe he got me to care about him... 

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Barnaby. He knelt down beside me and I quickly leaned in and hugged him. He let me sob on him for a bit. 

I wiped my tears away and he helped me inside. We sat on the couch and he looked at me with a sympathetic look. 

"Wanna talk about what happened?" He questioned. I took a deep breath. 

"I think Wally brought me to this world.." He looked at me, a confused look on his face.

"What do you mean?" 

I wish I still had the card to show him.

I told him about the letter. He sighed. 

"It's very possible he doesn't remember..." I felt myself get angry, but I kept my cool.

"How would he not remember writing that?" Barnaby put his hand on my shoulder.

"Something's going on with Wally... And we think it has a lot to do with Home... It's almost like he's become possessed... In a sense." 

I felt guilt wash over me and I began to sob again. Barnaby pulled me into another hug, holding me tight. I sobbed in his arms for a while.

I finally wiped my tears away. I thanked him for being there for me. 

"I think I need to go see Wally.." He nodded, wishing me luck. We both left the house and he made his way home. I headed down to Wally's. 

I got there and Home was.. Dark. There was a dark aura coming from Home. I hesitated, but I knocked on the door. The door opened on its own. 

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