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Wally looked at me, practically star struck. 

He practically scooped me up in his arms, pulling me into a big hug. He began sobbing. 

"You... You love me? Even after.. All that?" He sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed his back.

"Wally, that wasn't you..." He tensed up. 

"But it was MY home.. And you told me to get away from Home... I just... I never expected..." I pulled him close.

"Wally..." I felt myself get dizzy. Things around me began to go black as I fell. 

"_____________!" Wally shouted, catching me. He quickly carried me to the couch, laying me down once again. 

I opened my eyes to see Wally, leaning over me. He was placing a cool towel over my forehead. I noticed he put the blanket over me and the pillow under my head. I lightly laughed. 

"Seems like I keep finding myself on the couch." He smiled, but held a sympathetic look. 

"_______________, I don't know how to express how sorry I am... I just... I never expected that to happen." I caressed his cheek with my hand. 

"Wally..." I felt myself begin to drift back off to sleep.


I woke up to pitch blackness. 

"Wally?" I called out, but I heard nothing but the echo of my voice. I looked around, but all I could see was the couch I was laying on. 

"Hello?" I called out again, to no avail. 

I got up off the couch, and the couch seemed to disappear into thin air. I began to panic. 

"Wally? This isn't funny!" I yelled. I heard a maniacal laugh. The same laugh from Wally when he was in Home.

I turned and saw those large eyes staring back at me. 

"Oh, what's wrong darling?" Wally walked out from the darkness. I backed away from him. 

"Wally, you're scaring me..." He laughed again. 

"Oh, am I?" He stepped closer. 

"You think you can just come into MY world and change everything?" I looked at him confused. 

"What are you talking about?" He pinched the bridge between his eyes.

"Don't play stupid!" He shouted. I backed up again. 

He laughed again. 

"You came here and expected Wally to leave his Home. Did you really believe he'd choose some brat over ME?" 

Home... It's Home talking..

"I knew you weren't Wally.." He laughed again. 

"Oh, you're finally catching on... Too bad it's too late." I looked at Wally, tears pricking the corners of my eyes. 

"What do you mean it's too late? What have you done with Wally?" He laughed.

"That's for you to find out." 


I jolted awake, screaming. I felt a wing on my shoulder. Looking up I saw Poppy looking at me with concern in her eyes. 

"Oh, dear.. _____________, are you alright?" I looked over her shoulder to see Barnaby and Wally looking at me with concern. I tried to calm down, but I felt tears streaming down my face. I couldn't take my eyes off Wally. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. 

He quickly made his way over to me, grabbing my hand. 

"_____________, what's wrong? Please talk to me." I looked down, wiping the tears from my eyes. 

"I'm fine, just a nightmare.." 

I don't want to worry anyone, at least not Wally.

"Can I talk to Barnaby... Alone?" Poppy and Wally nodded, making their way out of the house. Barnaby knelt down beside me. 

"What did you wanna talk about?" I sighed. 

"I had a terrible nightmare... Home took over Wallys' body and was saying I was gonna find out their plans for Wally.." He looked at me with concern. 

"Maybe you should talk to Wally about this." I shook my head. 

"I can't. He's been through so much... And what if Home already has control over him?" He thought for a moment. 

"I'll keep an eye on him. You just rest. Do you want him to stay with me?" I shook my head.

"No, it's okay. Thank you, though." He nodded, getting up and calling the others in. Wally and Poppy made their way back inside. Poppy checked my temperature and rebandaged my cuts. She said her goodbyes and made her way home. 

Wally and Barnaby sat and talked with me for a bit, making sure I was okay. Barnaby said his goodbyes and made his way home, leaving just me and Wally. Wally turned to me, concern in his eyes. 

"_____________, please talk to me.." I smiled at him. 

"Wally, it's fine, really. It was just a bad dream." He sighed, nodding. 

"If you're sure..." I leaned in, gently kissing him. 

"I'm sure." A big smile spread across his face. 

"You're so sweet, ___________."

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