Strange Behavior

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I woke up to the smell of bacon. I quickly sprang up. I looked around and realized I was on the couch. I looked over and saw Wally in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I wrapped the blanket around me and made my way over to him.

"Good morning." I said, resting my head on his shoulder. He looked over at me.

"Ah, good morning. I'm sorry I didn't bring you to bed, I just woke up recently myself. Hah... Hah... Hah..." I shrugged.

"I don't mind, I had a good sleep." He smiled.

"I did too." He quickly finished up breakfast, piling it all onto one plate. He turned to me. 

"You can sit down, I'll bring it to you." He smiled. I made my way to the couch as he poured me a glass of juice. He brought everything over on a tray, setting it on my lap. 

"Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked him, shoving a piece of bacon in my mouth. He shook his head. 

"Ah, no. I'm not too hungry, but thank you." He sat down next to me. I turned to him. 

"You know, I haven't once seen you eat since I've been here." His face lit up orange. 

"Oh, I don't like eating in front of others." He said, kind of shying away. 

"That's fine, I was just nervous that you weren't eating. I'm glad to know you're eating, though!" I smiled, eating some more bacon. 

It's cooked just the way I like it!

He smiled. 

"I'm really glad you're here. Would you consider staying here with me?" I turned to him. 

"I would love to, Wally. On one condition." He nodded. 

"Anything." I turned to face him. 

"We switch places and you get your bed back. It doesn't feel right to take over your bed." He thought for a moment, then nodded. 

"I suppose we can do that, although I would much prefer you to sleep in a bed." His eyelids drooped a bit, a sympathetic smile spread across his face. 

"Well, we could get a spare bed." His face lit up. 

"That's a great idea! Let me call Barnaby, he's great at building things, he can help!" Wally got up and went over to the phone. 

I listened to their conversation as I ate my breakfast and drank my juice. Wally finished up his conversation and came back over, sitting next to me once more.

"Barnaby will be over in a bit. Do you want to go see the neighbors while we put your bed together?" I nodded. 

"That sounds good! Thank you again for everything, Wally. You've really made me feel welcome here." He smiled, blushing. 

"Oh, of course! I'm very glad you feel welcome." I finished up my breakfast, getting up and putting my dishes in the sink and quickly washing them. Wally came up behind me.

"You didn't have to do that." I shrugged.

"You cooked, I clean, it seems fair." He smiled. There was a knock at the door.

"Oh, That must be Barnaby!" He quickly made his way over to the door, opening it. There stood the big blue dog, taller than the doorway.

He ducked down and made his way inside. 

"Hello Wally! Hello _______________! How are you two doing?" I turned to him, drying my hands. 

"I'm great, thank you! How are you?" He smiled. 

"Can't complain! Now, about this bed... Any specifics? Color? Height?" I shrugged. 

"Uhm.. My favorite color is ____________ if that helps." Wally perked up. 

"That's a lovely color." He said softly. 

Barnaby looked to Wally, then to me. His face lit up, and he nudged Wally. 

Wally blushed, cleared his throat, and began grabbing Barnaby's tools. 

"Alright, let's get started!" Wally quickly made his way out of the room.

I waved goodbye to Barnaby and yelled goodbye to Wally.

I made my way out of the front door and down the street. 

Where should I go? Oh, maybe I should check in with Howdy and see what he meant the other day.

I quickly made my way to his shop. The bell above the door dinged as I walked in. Howdy looked up and smiled.

"Howdy, ______________! How are you doing today?" I smiled, making my way over to the counter.

"I'm good, how are you doing?" He smiled.

"I'm doing great, thank you!" I leaned on the counter. 

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Howdy perked up. 

"Of course! What's on your mind?" I looked around, making sure no one else was in the store. 

"What did you mean yesterday? When you said to be careful?" His smile quickly faded. 

He also looked around, then leaned over the counter to whisper to me. 

"Somethin' weird has been going on with Wally.." I looked at him confused. 

"What do you mean?" He looked around once more. 

"I can't really say, but something dark's been going on with him. I can't really explain it." I felt a shiver go down my spine. 

"Does anyone else know?" Howdy nodded.

"Everyone knows. Go talk to Frank, he'll tell you more." I nodded, saying my goodbyes and making my way to Frank's house. 

I knocked on the door, and Frank quickly answered. 

"Oh, _______________! Hello! What brings you here?" He stepped out of the doorway, allowing me inside. He shut the door behind me. I turned to him. 

"So, Howdy told me to come see you... About Wally.." Frank seemed taken back, but took a deep breath and sat down. He offered me a seat across from him, which I took.

 "Wally has been our friend for years, but lately something has been going on with him. Something dark." I tilted my head. 

"What do you mean?" Frank sighed. 

"He's been isolating himself in his home, he seems to zone out and stare at people, he mumbles to himself, and he just seems to have a dark aura around him lately." I leaned back into the chair.

"That stuff doesn't really seem bad though. Maybe he's just going through a hard time?" Frank shook his head. 

"I don't believe so. He's also been snapping at us from time to time, and has seemed to develop some obsessive behavior.." I tilted my head.

"What do you mean obsessive behavior?" Frank thought for a moment. 

"He goes to the post office multiple times a day looking for mail. We've found him locked in his home rereading old fan mail. I can't really explain how it's dark, but when you've known someone for so long and they begin acting out like this, it's safe to assume something is wrong." I sat there for a moment, taking it all in. 

I don't see how this is dark, but if his friends are saying it is, maybe I should take it at face value.

I thanked Frank for his time and made my way back to Wally's house. 

Wally has been nothing but kind to me, and I haven't noticed any of the behaviors his friends are talking about... I guess I should keep my eye out... Just in case.

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