1. The Shed

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"Where are you taking me?"

Softly asking while Tanjiro's grip tightens against your hand. Quickly walking together through the gardens just beyond the training grounds.

We need somewhere private.
Somewhere out of sight.

Thinking to himself as his head shakes side to side  His hanafuda earrings bouncing with each turn. He is desperate to relieve the tension that is growing. Those ruby eyes of his scan the area carefully to be sure no one is around.


Tanjiro glances over his shoulder one more time. Coming to a stop in front of the shed. His dark red eyes resting their attention on you. "You have been teasing me all day, y/n-chan. I need to kiss you again."

Gasping as heat rushes to your face in a blush. He is being truthful, ever since that kiss you've been unable to leave him alone. Using any and every excuse to be closer to him. Knowing just how much your scent drives him wild. 

Before you can speak his lips are almost against yours. Only hesitating as if to silently ask for consent. Feeling his hot breath tickling your skin.

Answering his request by pressing your lips into his warm and unbearable softness. His strong arms wrap around your back, pulling you against him.

The kiss deepens while Tanjiro's hands run across the thick wood door of the shed

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The kiss deepens while Tanjiro's hands run across the thick wood door of the shed. Blindly searching for the doorknob. Unable to pause the passion even for a brief moment. Finally his hand bumps against the knob. He twists it open.

Not thinking this plan through due to how delightful your lips feel against his. Both of you leaning against the door as it opens into the garden shed. Losing his balance tumbling into the darkness of the shed.

Tanjiro's body softens your landing. "Are you alright?!" He asks with panic in his voice. His face is bright red from embarrassment.

I need to slow down.
I don't want to mess this moment up.

"I'm perfectly fine. I have never felt happier-"

You shift your weight to look at his face but freeze when you realize how close you both are. His face is only an inch away. Placing your hands on his chest to keep balance while your legs straddle his waist. Tanjiro's breathing becomes uneven as he breaks his total concentration technique.

Her scent is so strong when we are this close.
I can't focus on what to say or do!

Tanjiro licks his lips as he attempts to slow down his breathing. Quickly lifting his head to kiss you again but crashes his nose into yours.

"Ouch," Yelping from the harsh contact. When all of a sudden Tanjiro begins to laugh. Slow at first and building with a playful tone.

"I'm so nervous." His charming smile is contiguous; you can't help but smile back at him.

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