11. Tengen's Delight

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Extreme Warning: Heavy Sexual Content, threesome, followed by the wives joining in.

For fun Tengen has both hands for this chapter. All characters are of age!

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"Tengen Uzi. Good afternoon."

"Let not be so formal." He gaze shifts to you as he gives a sly smile, "Don't you look lovely."

Tanjiro took a step forward. "Sorry. We can't stay and talk... We are running late."

"On your way to another shed?" The sound Hashira says with a devilish smile. Both of your faces burn hot as you stare at him.

"I'm sorry you heard that." Tanjiro apologized to the higher ranking demon slayer in hope the conversation would end.

"Don't be." Tengen is busy looking you up and down while saying, "I enjoyed every single sound I heard."

Taniiro steps forward while moving his arm in front of you as a form of protection. The next sentence has your eye's widening,

"That why. I want to offer a night with me."

"No." Tanjiro hissed immediately smelling the lust on Tengen's words.

"What is the harm in sharing for one night. I promise you will enjoy a threesome. Y/N is absolutely stunning. I just want a taste."

Tanjiro goes to argue but you speak up,
"One night is fine by me."

He spun around in complete surprise and was honestly speechless. A sting of hurt in his eyes.

"Tanjiro, I am completely yours but this does sound fun."

Tengen quickly smiles and seductively says,
"My wives have already granted me permission.
The house is ours for the night. "

Lowering his head Tanjiro sighs and nods his head, protectively saying,

"Only this once. She is mine."

Tengen gives a wicked grin. "Oh, Of course."

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🔞 Final Warning 🔞
Can't say I didn't warn you
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Dragging his hand across Tanjiro's chest as he leans in to whisper,

"Relax. We are only here to have fun."

Tengen is very attractive with his hair down, no headband and without any eye makeup. He is wearing a robe that is partly open. Exposing the strong muscles of his chest. His appearance has you feeling breathless.

"Let us discuss some rules."

Watching him pour tea from the kettle into each cup as he speaks. "If at any point either of you feel uncomfortable or have any pain say stop. Everything will immediately pause and if you don't wish to continue... then we will end the night early. This is simply for fun.

"Next, I worship my Wives above all else."

This statement has you smiling and he contiues, "I will primarily take the lead but if either of you feels the urge to be dominant. By all means, take charge. Let's begin."

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