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The last two days have been hectic for Xiao Zhan, as it has consumed so much of his energy, the work has been so much that he didn't get to think about his marriage

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The last two days have been hectic for Xiao Zhan, as it has consumed so much of his energy, the work has been so much that he didn't get to think about his marriage.

When his father said that he wants him to get married on Sunday, he got shocked. To say he was shocked was an understatement, he was bewildered to hear it, it took him some time to process the information he got, and his first question was why so early? Because he knows his father always likes to take things slow whether it's business or personal life, he always gives time to think about all the pros and cons of what he has to encounter. Then why his dad wants this marriage to be so early that is within five days was something he was not able to understand. He wanted an answer as his mind was not able to process the answer.

But to his relief, he didn't wait so long for the answer as his father answered him, and the answer though didn't give him satisfaction but he accepted it. He knows his father, Chairman Xiao who has been a man of patience only wants to do things early when he is attached to something so he already knew that his father is attached to the boy which he has seen from his own eyes. The way his father's eyes sparkled when he accepted the marriage gave him an idea of what this marriage meant to his father.

The reason that his father gave him was also not wrong as Zhan knows him being the sole heir of the largest corporation brings a lot of responsibilities, as he has a tight schedule of meetings, and there are 6 business contracts which are expiring and renewing them will take a lot of time. And Marriage is a new phase of his life that will also consume his time, he knows that being married brings responsibilities but also love that he has seen between his parents. Mr. Xiao being a busy person never made Mrs. Xiao wait, he always gave her time and love. He has admired his parent's marriage but he is not sure about his because his parents knew each other before marriage. Whereas in his case, he doesn't even know the person and it's a person whose name he had heard for the first time, so he just agreed thinking that he will maintain his distance.

It was the same day when he received the call from his PA that he is required in Beijing urgently as the deal for the land is being finalized, so Zhan left for Beijing the very next day and have returned today only and instead of going to his penthouse he went to the headquarters of Xiao corporations. It was around 11:30 am when he was sitting in his office after a hectic meeting, and thinking about all the goings in his life, when suddenly he heard a knock on the door, Zhan straightens himself and speaks, "Come in."
As the door opens his PA Haikuan is seen,
Zhan raises his eyebrows to know what is the matter, taking this as cue his pa speaks,
"Sir, Mr. Xiao is on call"
Zhan listening to his father name immediately takes the phone and answers it, "Good Morning, dad"
"Good morning son. How was your visit to Beijing" asked Mr. Xiao.
"It went fine, dad" replied Zhan with a smile.
Mr. Xiao, who knows his son guessed from his son's voice, that he got the land but just to confirm it he asks, "you got the land?"
"Yes dad, and at a price even less than I set," said Zhan proudly.
"Proud of you son. BTW Zhan, are you free in the afternoon " asked Mr. Xiao.
"Dad I have one meeting except that yes I am" replied Zhan checking the tab which was given to him by Haikuan in the morning.
"Then can you postpone the meeting as I am busy with your marriage arrangements and today is the inspection for XIAO JIXI MALL? Can you go to my place?" Asked Mr. Xiao.
"Sure dad," replied Zhan and ended the call.

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