CHAPTER 27 - PART 2(b)

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Zhan, when saw Yibo looking at him and felt the boy's hand on his cheeks felt as if he got his peace and home back, and as soon as the feeling surged inside him he closed his eyes to savor this feeling inside him and Yibo when see his Zhan ge clos...

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Zhan, when saw Yibo looking at him and felt the boy's hand on his cheeks felt as if he got his peace and home back, and as soon as the feeling surged inside him he closed his eyes to savor this feeling inside him and Yibo when see his Zhan ge closing his eyes, was a little bit startled as he wasn't expecting such a response from his husband so to gain his attention he spoke, "Zhan Ge!" And Zhan who has closed his eyes to savor the touch of the younger with a smile opened his eyes as he spoke, "Yes, bo!" As he raised his hand to remove the hair which were covering his forehead and Yibo on feeling the action of his gege smiled as he spoke, "Did gege miss his bobo?" And Zhan, when heard the question about his kitten, felt memories of all the days he spent away from this cute little ball sunshine and as his memories drifted off to the times he realized that he has missed the boy a lot so he spoke, "Yes, gege missed you, love!" As he still remembers that although he was busy with his work but he never missed the chance to call the younger one as his consciousness has craved for the younger smile and that was the reason he in his hurry had finished all the schedules of the day according to the china time zone so that he can have around two hours free during the time one the younger sleeps so that he can talk to him before he can sleep and that was the most blissful time of the day for the younger as the younger used to always tell him about his day, how much fun he had with his Papa and Zhao da, and whenever Yibo used to mention the latter's name Zhan always used to smile as seeing the boy coming out of his shell and interacting with people other than him and his papa made the young heir feel that finally the boy has started gaining his confidence and he is happy to see his Yibo like this, and moreover the smile that the boy used to had whenever he used to tell him about all those things used to make Zhan smile as seeing his Yibo happy was all he want but whenever he used to see that smile he always used to feel an urge to be with the boy but he knows that he can't be which always used to make him feel sad and as the day passed Zhan felt an urge to be with the boy making the young heir to complete his work as soon as possible.

The cherry on the top was the photos that the young heir's father sent him and Zhan when saw all those photos has felt a surge of jealousy inside him as he really wanted to be at that place at that time so he would have witnessed that scene, but all the ends cut loose when he saw Yibo kissing the bunnies as he felt a rage inside him as he really wanted to be on that place where the rabbit is and as soon as the thought clicked his mind he felt a blush creeping on his face as he immediately shrugged his thoughts and has left for his work, and with this, he has left the office and the day progressed as other days passed to with Zhan's urge to be with his husband more making Zhan to work vastly as he completed his work earlier than he has expected making even the young heir shocked, and the day he finished his work, his friend Xuan has called him asking whether he can take Yibo for shopping.

Zhan when heard Xuan's words was startled as he wasn't expecting this because he knows that Xuan never does anything without any motive and taking Yibo with him, was what made him curious making the young heir at the first debate about sending the boy with the couple or not but seeing Yibo's excitement made him agree to the request and the way Yibo has reacted after him agreeing to it made Zhan happier than before, but as soon as the call ended, the surge of jealousy inside him has taken all his tiredness away as he has immediately given orders to leave for Shanghai making the staff shocked as they were not expecting this as they were told by the young heir himself that they will leave tomorrow but now when they have got the order from the boss they immediately started preparing for their departure and it was within half an hour the young heir departed for Shanghai, and all of the flight he has been restless as he has the urge to see his Yibo and it was the moment Zhan entered the mansion he has felt a peaceful feeling returning to him and to add on to this the moment young heir had taken the boy in his arms he has felt all his tiredness going away and the feeling of happiness and contentedness inside his heart so the moment he heard the younger's question he has decided to day what lies in his heart and Yibo when heard Zhan's answer felt his face adorning with a wide smile and Zhan when saw that smile was not able to control his emotions as he captured the lips of his boy with his making everyone present in the living room shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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