𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 - Morosis

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morosis - the stupidest of stupidities

Isla's POV

I find a lot of things stupid; perhaps it's the fact that I've been easily annoyed or triggered as my dad would say from birth or the fact that a lot of things are just stupid.

For instance the smudged brown crayon that covers my upper lip and a bit of my lower chin is a stupid matter, especially since I've been swiping and perfecting my lip liner for the past five minutes or so or how the inner corner of my lash all of sudden wants to stab my eye even though it was fine at home. I hate stupid things, and everything they come with. That was stupid rant in itself, never mind.

" Isla, can you hurry up? The bell is gonna ring soon and this is the only bathroom with proper lighting; I need to check myself just as much as you do." My dear friend Amaya says in annoyance.

I move out the way, allowing her to critique and fix whatever her heart desires. "Did you get what you needed?" I replied.

" If you're gonna make an argument about how I could've done this earlier instead of talking to my man then I don't really wanna hear it"

"You're man?" Both I and Sariyah, another dear friend, question jokingly.

"Yes, my man."

"He's about 26 different girls' " man"  but alright bud." Sariyah says.

"Shit, maybe a couple boys here too." I add, earning a snicker from Sariyah.

"I don't like y'all."  Amaya says, finishing up in the mirror.

"We love you!" We yell at her before giving her a tight squeeze.

"Get off me." She says, annoyed but not too annoyed. We move away from her before engaging in our daily discussion or otherwise known as "shit talking".

"Y'all know Rylin is pregnant?" Sariyah says. Both me and Amaya look at her; our lips pressed while exchanging eye contact only people of a certain people would get.

"People fuck her?" I say, before pressing my lips and laughter seeps between them, followed by the laughs of my friend too.

"You know niggas will fuck absolutely anything?" Sariyah says.

"She was a bitch, pregnant and a butterface...let me stop." Amaya says, looking up at the ceiling. The same apology, but I'm pretty sure God already knew that.

"She tried that shit with you last year!" I exclaim.

"She really fucking did, talking bout I tried messing with her little nigga; girl I don't have to try, I look good."

"Who was her nigga?" Sariyah asks.

"Reginold, little annoying ass." Amaya replies.

"Didn't you mess with him though." Sariya asks.

"Not when he was messing with Mrs.Staircase Civilian." She says.

"You didn't!" I shriek, laughter erupts between the whole group.

"Talking shit, whole time your shit wandering the internet and you ain't make the nigga cum!" She screams.

"Mrs.Teethy!" I exclaim while hitting and pushing both of them. We engage in what people who look like me call "black joy" and what folks that run this district call "ghetto"."

"Shut up, Isla." Amaya says.

"With your virgin ass"  Sariyah says, before they both erupt in laughter. As soon as they do, the bell rings and we grab our bags with a quick spray of body mist and walk out.

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